Tomorrow Conference Call/Webinar: Market Overview & Case Study
Thursday 9-10-09 2pm Eastern Time/1pm Central Market Overview, Demographics & Case Study: Paul Ebaugh from CyberNet Solutions
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1. Welcome/Announcements
2. TOPIC: Market Overview, Demographics & Case Study Paul Ebaugh has applied his extensive expertise and talents in electronic systems engineering under CyberNet Solutions Inc. to help move the building industry in Southeast Michigan to adopt robust technology to better serve their customers.
CyberNet Solution designs, customizes, programs and installs communication, control, entertainment, comfort and security systems for homeowners and businesses. Paul’s passion for the technology and his desire to exceed the needs of the customer has brought his company praise and delighted customers. His personal customer interaction and hands-on direct installation involvement results in a high level of technical performance with products that are easy to use and affordable. Paul is delighted to be a part of the GrandCare team and is committed to helping older seniors and their families thrive through technology.
3. Question/Answer Session
4. Closing
This call is brought to you by in-home technology, GrandCare Systems: The intent of this conference call is to gather a group of visionary individuals, increase awareness of this industry, learn, grow and to network. These calls are open to anyone and everyone FOR FREE!
Laura Mitchell
GrandCare Systems
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