A Day in the Life
New! Xavier University Study
In 2020, Cincinnati-area disability support provider, LADD, partnered with GrandCare to create a new Smart Living home. The goal was to increase independence for people with developmental disabilities and to move to a leaner, more efficient staffing model. Researchers at Xavier University’s department of occupational therapy engaged in a multi-year study of the project. Their findings are truly stunning.
- LADD was able to safely reduce in-person support hours by 75%
- The total cost of support was cut in half
- All technology in the home paid for itself within 9 months
- Residents were able to do more of their ADLs independently and reported greater satisfaction
GrandCare for Disability Support Organizations
The GrandCare remote monitoring/remote supports platform can help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities achieve new levels of independence by dramatically–and safely–reducing in-person support hours. Not only that, but GrandCare can take a big bite out of your staffing problems. GrandCare can be used in single occupancy residences, group home settings, and family living situations.
GrandCare for In-Home and Post-Acute Care
Now you can provide services even when you’re not at the point of care. Add activity monitoring, electronic check-ins, and video visits to your current service offerings. Keep your residents out of the ER with medication reminders and adherence tracking, plus a full suite of telehealth devices for monitoring chronic health conditions. Add even more value by inviting family to upload photos, send messages, and do video calls to your resident.
GrandCare for Senior Living Communities
Community-wide messaging and calendaring are just the beginning. Now residents can connect to remote family with our secure video conferencing technology. Zero technology experience needed! You can even offer concierge-style service requests right from the touchscreen. Your community members will be happier and better connected than ever before.
Learn how GrandCare’s assistive technology helps James
Meet James. He uses GrandCare as his assistive technology of choice. Like other people living with a disability, James needs prompts and reminders to successfully get through his day. James uses GrandCare for this, which means he can be more self supporting and doesn’t need support staff around him all the time. GrandCare helps James and others to live happier, more independent and more fulfilled lives.
“Having the ability to check on my mom daily with the GrandCare System has been priceless!”
– Sharon Emerich
“Having the ability to check on my mom daily with the GrandCare System has been priceless!”
– Sharon Emerich