Homecare Providers
Remote Monitoring & ADL Support for Homecare Providers
Remote Monitoring & ADL Support for Homecare Providers
Non-medical homecare providers everywhere are experiencing an acute staff shortage. Some say this is the new normal. How can you provide more service without more staff? Add remote monitoring and remote support to your existing services. You can even use GrandCare as a first step with leads who aren’t ready for in-home care. And remember: that GrandCare touchscreen can be branded with your logo and your organization’s name.
If you are a medical homecare provider, you should be adopting telehealth remote vitals monitoring. If you’re already doing telehealth, you should be doing it with GrandCare, the most fully featured remote patient monitoring system in existence!
With GrandCare you can be more efficient with your RN’s time, intervene before symptoms become critical, and keep your patients safe at home and out of the hospital.