Give Your father a gift of “staying home”

This father’s day why not give the gift that your father/grandfather really wants!!! To stay independent and HOME!

Since 2006, GrandCare Technology has been keeping seniors independent, happy& socially connected.

2 replies
  1. Art Dunn
    Art Dunn says:

    OK, I had to laugh a little upon reading this post. Anyone familiar with GrandCare Systems knows darned good and well that this would not just be a gift for Dad, but something of a gift to the giver. It would be like grandparents buying new parents a digital camera; the parents get to take pictures but the grandparents want to see the pictures before they’re three years out of date!

    • GrandCare Systems
      GrandCare Systems says:

      Great point Art! Indeed, the analogy of the digital camera is spot on! It’s the gift of independence & socialization for grandpa, yet the gift of peace of mind and a new level of communication for the rest of the family. Some plans start with a minimal installation fee and a standard monthly rental rate! Find a dealer for more info

      Sent from my iPhone

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