Laurie Orlov speaks on Caregiving Technology: What’s New

Every Thursday at 2p ET (1p CT), GrandCare Systems hosts an aging & technology industry call.

This Thursday, 8-19-10

TOPIC: Laurie Orlov, Aging in Place Technology Watch speaks on Caregiving Technology — What’s New?

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Optional Dial In listed on the webinar

8-19-10 Call sponsored by Added Care Services. Co-sponsored by Celery & Home Controls.

Laurie M. Orlov, a tech industry veteran, writer, speaker and elder care advocate, is the founder of Aging in Place Technology Watch, a market research firm that provides thought leadership, analysis and guidance about technologies and related services that enable boomers and seniors to remain longer in their home of choice. In addition to her technology background and years as a technology industry analyst, Laurie served as a volunteer long-term care ombudsman and is certified in Geriatric Care Management from the University of Florida and the author of When Your Parents Need Elder Care.