VideoCalling for Seniors – Serge Kogan speaks
WHEN: Thursday October 14th, 2pm EDT (1p CT).
WHAT: Videocalling for Seniors, How can families and senior living communities help
WHO: Serge Kogan, Co-founder of g2gConnect
WHY: Video chats and Skype are enabling adult children, grandchildren, and aging parents to stay closer and see each other more often than ever before. While the younger generations have no problem communicating this way – the older generation needs a little help. Serge Kogan will discuss what he learned from meeting with over 400 seniors during the first half of 2010, and suggest ways in which families and senior living communities can help.
Topic Description: Serge Kogan discusses how communities and loved ones can communicate with the older generation using video technology.
About Serge Kogan:
Serge Kogan is the co-founder of g2gConnect – a visual communications services provider focusing on bringing seniors and families closer to one another. He is a sought-after speaker at senior centers and senior living communities in the Greater Boston area, where he has introduced and assisted over 500 seniors and boomers take advantage of video calling technologies such as Skype. He is an experienced market development executive with over 25 years high-value solution sales to global companies in the electronics, telecommunications, semiconductors and financial services industries, as well as to government institutions in the US and Latin America. Serge held sales management, marketing and product development roles at iSuppli, Interleaf, Digital Equipment and Eastman Kodak. He graduated in Engineering from Cornell University, and received his MBA from the University of Rochester.