12-9-10 Thursday Webinar: Laurie Orlov from Aging in Place Technology Watch speaks
GrandCare Systems 12-9-10 Webinar
We meet here: http://my.dimdim.com/grandcare
on Thursday December 9th, 2pm EDT (1p CT).
Topic: Laurie Orlov from Aging in Place Technology Watch speaks on 10 tips for launching a new product line
It’s getting to be that time of year. January 2011 is a unique moment in time when the first of the baby boomers become seniors, turning 65 at the rate of 10,000 per day from that day forward. Laurie shares 10 tips to successfully launch a new product line in the aging technology industry.
Our Speaker: Laurie Orlov
Laurie M. Orlov, a tech industry veteran, writer, speaker and elder care advocate, is the founder of a market research firm that provides thought leadership, analysis and guidance about technologies and related services that enable boomers and seniors to remain longer in their home of choice. In addition to her technology background and years as a technology industry analyst, Laurie served as a volunteer long-term care ombudsman and is certified in Geriatric Care Management from the University of Florida and the author of Aging in Place Technology Watch, When Your Parents Need Elder Care.