Join our 3-10-11 Webinar: Motivating the Multi-Generational Workforce- Richard Anthony speaks

We invite you to join in GrandCare’s weekly aging/technology industry webinars. All are welcome to join us!
Date: Thursday March 10th 2011
Time: 2pm EST (11am PST)
Room: Go to
If you would like to call in but you do not have access to a computer, call: 1-408-600-3600 access code: 662-918-370 #

Topic Description:
For the first time in history, we have four (some argue five) dominant generations in the workforce. Each markedly different. Each variously hailed and reviled because of the myths about how they think and behave. All challenged to work toward common goals in spite of their differences. In the absence of a transformational overhaul of public and corporate policies, the table is set for intergenerational conflict in the workforce over status, pay, benefits, training and advancement opportunities.This webinar explores ways to convert a multi-generational workforce to a collaborative, intergenerational team.

About our speaker:
Richard J. Anthony, Sr., is founder and managing director of The Solutions Network, Inc., a management consulting firm specializing in business advisory services, organization effectiveness and performance improvement. He is also founder of The Entrepreneurs Network, a networking venue for early stage ventures. He has authored chapters in three books in recent years: Aligning Pay and Results, After Sixty: Marketing to Baby Boomers Reaching Their Big Transition Years and Geeks, Geezers and Googlization. His book, Organizations, People & Effective Communication, is available at Amazon.

Webinar Objectives
oReview profiles of four dominant generations in the workforce.
oFocus on management best practices.
oOutline steps to manage the intergenerational workforce.