GrandCare Discussed on Senior Care Corner Online Radio!
Note from GrandCare: Thanks Barry & Cathy and for including GrandCare Systems in your radio program! This is a great idea and I enjoyed listening to your thoughts! GrandCare is customizable and fully expandable. We go from a more economic and basic model, to fully-featured, luxury models. Pricing starts low and increases (depending on the model chosen: interactive vs. non-interactive and the sensors deployed). GrandCare is a complete communication, cognition and monitoring technology – designed to keep individuals safe, healthy, happy and independent at home. Using a series of wireless activity (door, temp, motion, bed, etc.) and telewellness (bp, weight, pulseox, glucose) sensors, a care-partner can automatically be notified if anything is amiss. Family can can connect by two way video chat AND send pictures, messages, emails, videos and other communications to an easy-to-use touch monitor in the loved one’s home. Loved ones need ZERO technical experience to fully enjoy the GrandCare System! THANKS AGAIN and I am spreading the word on your radio program
<a href = ““>SCC #4: Senior Home Technology 1 </a>

In this episode we discuss technology that can help improve the lives of seniors in their homes and the peace of mind of seniors’ families. We highlight some companies targeting the needs of seniors and point out where the consumer electronics industry misses opportunities with the senior marketplace.
Home technology is making a difference in the lives of most people and seniors are no different. Technology can not only improve the life of seniors but enable them to safely and comfortably live in their homes long than before, even if they are living alone. Senior Care Corner is following technology for seniors closely and this is our first podcast report.
The largest showcase for home technologies is the annual Consumer Electronics Show from the Consumer Electronics Association. Our visit to the most recent showed the industry has a ways to go in targeting the needs of seniors with their products. At the same time, there are a number of companies with technology products targeted to specific needs of seniors and their families… To read more: