grandCARE featured in CAST matrix

CAST expands latest telehealth matrix

McKnight’s Long Term Care News
Elizabeth Leis Newman, Senior Editor
September 04, 2015

CAST’s white paper looks at patient education and self-management, pre- and post-acute management of chronic conditions, post-acute patient stabilization, long-distance routine check-ups and specific teleconsults. The tool and matrix compare 28 different products from 23 vendors, and users can select their “must-have” features.

Companies listed include Philips Healthcare, Panasonic, GrandCare Systems, Healthsense, Independa, LG CNS, Care at Hand, EarlySense, Family Health Network, Honeywell HomMed, WoundRounds and Ideal Life.

A full list can be seen at

Netraverse: Elderly from afar

The home security website, NetraVerse, has featured grandCARE as their preferred solution for senior home monitoring.

“Most people use a GrandCare System. This is new technology that is strategically placed in the home with sensors to record motion in key spots such as the entryway, bedroom, or bathroom is great solution for you.”

Sunrise Senior Living Highlights grandCARE technology for Independent Living

Sunrise Senior Living, a leader in long term care communities in the United States, has featured grandCARE as a technology solution for independent living, whether it be in the private home or community-based. Sunrise Senior Living operates 302 communities worldwide with 245 locations in the US, 15 in Canada and 42 in the UK. They offer a range of personalized senior services, including independent living, care for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of memory loss, as well as skilled nursing and short-term rehabilitative services.

The Best Gadgets For Independent Living by Tim Watt | AUG 31, 2015

“If you constantly worry about your mom or dad who lives alone, it’s normal. Many senior caregivers and adult children have concerns about their parents living on their own after a certain age. Whether your live locally or far away, these thoughts can be stressful. Luckily, there are a lot of high-tech gadgets that can do the job for you. Think about trying out one – or all – of these gadgets in your parent’s home…”

“If you can’t be there all the time… When parents live alone, you may want to be by their side always. While you may see them as often as you can, you can’t always be there every day. Not to worry – there’s a device that can alleviate your worries. Try out grandCARE, a tool that lets parents video chat and message family on a big touch screen. They can also find out the weekly weather and news, play games with friends and check their calendar to see what independent living activities they have going on this week. It also investigates their health using telehealth technologies. Want to know if they’re taking medication? Check in to the caregiver portal.”

For more information, visit:

Read the entire article The Best Gadgets For Independent Living