9-15 GrandCare Aging/Tech Topic: State-Level Aging Services Technology Provider and Policy Initiatives
Every Thursday at 2p ET (1p CT), GrandCare Systems hosts an aging & technology industry call.
Thursday, 9-9-10, 2p Eastern Time
Topic: State-Level Aging Services Technology Provider and Policy Initiatives
Scott Peifer, MPPA, MSW, Associate Director Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST) speaks
The State of Technology in Aging Services in Ohiohttp://www.aahsa.org/WorkArea/linkit.aspx?LinkIdentifier=id&ItemID=11941&libID=11955
CAST, AAHSA in partnership with Association of Ohio Philanthropic Homes, Housing and Services for the Aging (AOPHA) released its fourth of a series of state-level reports on technology in aging services – September 2010
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Scott Peifer serves as Associate Director of the Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST), a program of the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (AAHSA). In this capacity, Scott leads CAST’s state-level policy efforts to educate and advocate for the advancement of aging services technologies to improve the aging experience. Scott previously served as Policy Director of Aging for Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, leading the policy and legislative activities of the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, and served as a Legislative Director in the Pennsylvania State Senate. Scott began his policy experience in California, first working for the California Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (now Aging Services of California), and as lead staff of the California State Senate Subcommittee on Aging and Long-term Care. Scott has earned a Master of Public Policy and Administration and a Master of Social Work from California State University, Sacramento.
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