Tag Archive for: ASA

2012 What’s Next Boomer Business Summit

The 9th annual What’s Next Boomer Business Summit is produced by Mary Furlong & Associates, and is the official post-conference event of the American Society on Aging (ASA) Aging in America Conference.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel Washington D.C.
Website: www.BoomerSummit.com

This years Theme: The New Normal

The New Normal will showcase the groundswell in social media, the surge in a Service Economy, and rising of the independent sector.

Join us where America’s leading analysts, corporate strategists, brand managers, entrepreneurs, nonprofit executives, authors, bloggers and tweeters meet to explore:
  • Who profits from the senior market and global boomer
  • Emerging trends in Markets, both Global and US
  • How mobile and wireless growth lead to monetization of boomers and their children and grandchildren.
  • Distribution models for reaching and engaging the boomer, the senior, the  caregiver, and the grandparent
  • Trends that engage consumers with integrated media; whether local, social, mobile, print or through gaming
  • New Normal Frugal Economy: the forecast for financial services, housing, consumer directed healthcare, aging in place, and entrepreneurship
  • Raising money for a start-up idea; brands entrepreneurs need to jump-start business
  • The boomer-seniors effect on the 2012 election

How to Accelerate Lead Generation Through Social, Mobile & Integrated Media 10:30 am – 10:45 am

In the new normal, it is all about customer acquisition, retention and service. Discover the latest trends in how companies are using media to drive leads.

Laura Mitchell – VP, Marketing, GrandCare Systems Will be a Featured speaker along side:

Moderator – Lori Bitter, President, Crew Media
Andy Cohen, CEO, Caring.com
Stephen Chen, CEO, NewRetirement

GrandCare Team Member Awarded the FLAME Award for Innovation & Leadership at What’s Next Boomer Summit

What’s Next Boomer Business Summit is an annual event that brings together the country’s top businesses and organizations that are thought leaders in the baby boomer marketplace. It is where deals get done.

No other conference brings together a dedicated group of professionals focused on the boomer and senior populations. Together this group of thought leaders from the non-profit sector, senior advocacy organizations, Fortune 100 companies to entrepreneurial start-ups will share their knowledge and passion for this important customer demographic.

This year, the number of attendees surpassed 350, the most ever for this event.

The What’s Next 2011 Boomer Business Innovation Awards were presented during the awards ceremony and reception on April 28. Laura Mitchell, GrandCare’s VP of Marketing, received a flame award for Excellence in Leadership and Innovation, presented by Michael Carroll, VP, Portfolio Marketing, United Healthcare.

The next Mary Furlong event is June 15th, 2011 in Santa Clara, CA.  GrandCare will be in attendance and speaking on a panel session.  For more information: http://www.scuboomerventure.com/

Silicon Valley Boomer Venture Summit

What’s Next Boomer Business Summit
The eighth annual What’s Next Boomer Business Summit takes place at the Parc 55 Wyndham on April 29, 2011 in San Francisco. It is produced by Mary Furlong & Associates. It is affiliated with the American Society on Aging (ASA) Aging in America Conference, which is held April 26-30, 2011 in San Francisco. The theme for 2011 is Dynamics, Deals, Differentiation and Disruption. The focus of the annual event is to foster a cutting-edge community to explore and share products and services that will serve the needs and wants of the 50+ market. Registration and program information is available at http://www.boomersummit.com. Facebook page ishttp://www.facebook.com/2011-Whats-Next-Boomer-Business-Summit. Twitter username is WhatsNextBoomer. Twitter hashtag is #WNBBS2011. The 2012 What’s Next Boomer Business Summit will take place in Washington, D.C.

Mary Furlong & Associates
Founded in 2003, Mary Furlong & Associates (MFA) works with companies seeking to capitalize on new business and investment opportunities in the baby boomer market. MFA provides business development, financing strategy and integrated marketing solutions to entrepreneurs, corporations and non-profit organizations serving the 50+ market. Mary Furlong, Ed.D., the firm’s founder and CEO, has guided the offline and online 40+ market strategies of leading corporations and non-profit organizations for more than 20 years. Furlong is Dean’s Executive Professor of Entrepreneurship at Santa Clara University’s Leavey School of Business, and founder of SeniorNet and ThirdAge Media. Her book, Turning Silver into Gold: How to Profit in the New Boomer Marketplace (FT Press), was published in February 2007. Website: http://www.maryfurlong.com.

Full Press Release: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2011/4/prweb8351641.htm

GrandCare VP Marketing, Laura Mitchell, speaks 3 times in San Francisco this week

It’s an exciting week in San Francisco!  The American Society on Aging & What’s Next Boomer Summit are happening Wednesday – Saturday!

GrandCare’s own Laura Mitchell will be speaking 3 times during the week.  Below are some notable agenda items this week in San Francisco. Hope to see you there!!



7pm – all are invited to meet with the AgeTek Board & Aging/Technology Enthusiasts at Johnny Foley’s in San Francisco: http://www.johnnyfoleys.com/
This no-host event, will be a great chance to network, mingle and sit back and enjoy the environment in this lively Irish Pub.
Thursday April 28, 2011: 1:00 PM  – 2:00 PM


Workshop – New Look at Technology for Older Persons

Hilton San Francisco Union Square hotel
Room: Yosemite A (Ballroom Level)
CEU Credits: 1

Revolutionary new technology and its applications have changed the way older persons are cared for as they age at home, enabling them to remain independent and live more fulfilling lives, providing higher quality of care, assisting caretakers, facilitating the communication, and equalizing availability of quality care to all persons.

Thursday April 28, 2011: 2:30 PM  – 3:30 PM


Felice Eckhouse
Gene Loeb-Aronin, PhD
Laura Mitchell
Workshop : Back Home To Stay

Hilton San Francisco Union Square hotel
Room: Franciscan D (Ballroom Level)
CEU Credits: 1
The sudden requirement for an elderly parent, spouse or relative with special mental or physical needs to stay at home can be traumatic. This workshop will examine these situations through scenarios and videos, and will explore requirements for staying at home. Solutions will be planned for each need.
Full ASA (AGING IN AMERICA CONFERENCE) Schedule: http://www.asaging.org/aia11/index.cfm


..The Eighth Annual
What’s Next Boomer Business Summit
Sponsored by AARP and AARP Services, Inc.
Friday, April 29, 2011
8:00 am – 5:30 pm
Parc 55 Wyndham Hotel
San Francisco, California

4:30 - 5:30 pm | BREAKOUT SESSIONS

Maximizing the Online World
Build an interactive tool box for marketing your business! 
From email to Google, Twitter, and what's in all worlds online to social media platforms, 
unlock the potential for your company. Our experts show you how to harness the power.
Moderator: Laura Mitchell, Vice President, Marketing, GrandCare Systems
- Joe Cannella, Senior Account Manager, Google
- Nataki Clarke, Vice President, Marketing, AARP
- Stephen Chen, Founder, NewRetirement.com

Hope you can join us!!!!!
FULL What's Next Boomer Summit Schedule: http://www.boomersummit.com/agenda.html

Informal NO-HOST AgeTek meet up planned April 27th, San Francisco before ASA!!!! ALL ARE WELCOME!

JOIN US!  All are welcome!  AgeTek Members and non members welcome!

No host Meet & Greet PRE-ASA Conference

Wednesday April 27th, 2011 7pm

Where: Johnny Foleys – http://www.johnnyfoleys.com

243 O’Farrell Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Why: To get together, network, learn more about the Aging Technology Alliance and have a good time.

NO RSVP needed!  Just stop in!

Hope to see you there!!!!

Laura Mitchell, VP Marketing, GrandCare Systems (AgeTek Board Director)

Laura Mitchell speaks at ASA on April 28th: The New Look of Technology for Older Persons

Going to ASA? M Listen as Laura Mitchell, Dr. Gene Aronin and Joel Shapira discuss the future of aging. Using technology to “age in place”

Thursday April 28, 2011: 1:00 PM  – 2:00 PM

Hilton San Francisco Union Square hotel
Room: Yosemite A (Ballroom Level)
CEU Credits: 1


Revolutionary new technology and its applications have changed the way older persons are cared for as they age at home, enabling them to remain independent and live more fulfilling lives, providing higher quality of care, assisting caretakers, facilitating the communication, and equalizing availability of quality care to all persons.


1. Participants will recognize the social and health benefits of technological devices for the care and monitoring of elderly and their effects on enabling individuals to remain home as they age. Participants will be able to specify care scenarios in which technological devices could be used and select devices that would be applied.

2. Participants will identify resources for locating technology and give examples of technological devices and their sources, and innovations in new technology; state the benefits in bridging the digital gap to enable diversity in the availability of technology.

3. Participants will identify federal legislation and mandates influencing care of elderly such as remaining at home as much as possible, and coordination of caretakers and medical personal in sharing of information and roles and the practical effects upon the use of technology for care.

Housing, Accessibility and Technology

Technology, Technology and Health

Target Audience

Emerging Professional less than 5 years or Student
Established Professional 10 or more years in profession
Professional 5 to 9 years

GrandCare Slated to Speak April 28th at American Society on Aging in San Francisco

The New Look of Technology for Older Persons: Effects of Information Technology
Thursday April 28, 2011: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Hilton San Francisco Union Square hotel
Room: Yosemite A (*tentative)
CEU Credits: 1
Revolutionary new technology and its applications have changed the way older persons are cared for as they age at home enabling them to remain independent and live more fulfilling lives, providing higher quality of care, assisting caretakers, facilitating the communication between all involved in the care of the individual, and equalizing availability of quality care to all persons.
1. Participants will recognize the social and health benefits of technological devices for the care and monitoring of elderly and their effects on enabling individuals to remain home as they age. Participants will be able to specify care scenarios in which technological devices could be used and select devices that would be applied.

2. Participants will identify resources for locating technology and give examples of technological devices and their sources, and innovations in new technology; state the benefits in bridging the digital gap to enable diversity in the availability of technology.

3. Participants will identify federal legislation and mandates influencing care of elderly such as remaining at home as much as possible, and coordination of caretakers and medical personal in sharing of information and roles and the practical effects upon the use of technology for care.
Laura Mitchell
Gene Loeb-Aronin, PhD
Housing, Accessibility and Technology
Technology, Technology and Health
Target Audience
Emerging Professional less than 5 years or Student
Established Professional 10 or more years in profession
Professional 5 to 9 years

OFFICIAL LAUNCH OF (AgeTek) Aging & Technology Industry Alliance

If you’ve been on our weekly calls, you’ve heard all about the long awaited launch of Agetek!

Next Thursday, we launch the Aging Technology Alliance (aka AgeTek.org) and we want you to join us!

The purpose in building this important and necessary group is to promote awareness, benefits and value of products and services for our aging society while directly benefiting our members by evolving into the world’s leading aging-focused technology consortium.

An Ad Hoc Board of Directors has been hard at work and are anxious to build a strong membership to really shape our future and most importantly shape the future channels for aging technology products and services.

We will share our mission and vision statement at the meeting, but if you are just a little bit curious, an interim website has been created. We obviously aren’t in a place to take memberships yet via the site, but you can see where the idea of the consortium came from and the team that has been working on it along with the mission: http://www.agetek.org

Meeting details
Date: Thursday, March 18th, 2010
Time: 4:30-6:00pm CST
Location: Hong Kong Room, Hyatt Regency Chicago (ASA/NCOA/What’s Next Conferences are there)
151 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois

Please RSVP: agetek@me.com if you will be attending. We need to know if a larger room is needed.

If you can’t attend – That’s ok! You can still be a part of the Aging Technology Alliance! Please visit www.agetek.org or email: agetek@me.com to join! We will be giving updates!!!!
Follow us on Twitter @AgeTek
Connect with us on LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=2848603&trk=anet_ug_hm


The following page outlines the vision, mission and name
that was developed by the Ad Hoc Board of Directors for
the special industry group that formed at CES 2010.
Although this vision, mission and name have been voted into
place by the board, we wanted to publish this to the broader
group of companies that would ostensibly fall into the category
of voting members for a comment period.
The ad hoc board will take any comments under advisement
and consider them for inclusion or revision. The board will
then vote again for final adoption.
The final vision, mission and name will be unveiled at a
group meeting in Chicago at the What’s Next Boomer
Summit on March 18.
So, without further ado, please turn the page…
— Peter Radsliff, ad hoc board chairman
March 3, 2010
A note about the ad hoc board of directors:
The ad hoc board of directors were nominated and elected by 13 participants
representing 10 companies on a conference call 1/27/10 (meeting minutes
available at http://bit.ly/dmNctq). The elected ad hoc board of directors are:
Peter Radsliff, ad hoc board chairman (Presto Services) peter.radsliff@presto.com
Jill Gilbert, treasurer
Michele Ahlman, secretary (ClearSounds)
Bud Myers, director (firstSTREET)
Madeline Pantalone, director (Jitterbug)
Laura Mitchell, director (GrandCare Systems)

Our Vision:
We promote the awareness, benefits and value of products and services for our
aging society while directly benefiting our members by evolving into the
world’s leading aging-focused technology consortium.
Our Mission:
1. To promote the awareness, benefits and value of member products and services
2. To assist in the advancement of member companies and individual members
3. By facilitating innovation through professional development, education and standardization
of products and services
4. By creating a vital and expanding aging technology community
5. That by encouraging cooperation between members the aging technology industry will
advance as a whole
6. That by pursuing development of “best practices” and a program of continual improvement,
members will be more successful
Our Name:
Aging Technology Alliance
Aging “Aging” because this term is unambiguous in its meaning and somewhat neutral in its
identification. “Silver” is somewhat ambiguous in its reference when used outside of our
industry. “Elder” is seen as a pejorative term and one that resists self-identification. Like it
or not, we are all aging, and this group believes that the aging experience can be improved
through the application of technology.
Technology “Technology” because the products and services we develop, sell, install and operate have
to do with different applications of technology.
Alliance “Alliance” because it means “a merging of efforts or interests by persons, families, states,
or organizations.” For our products and services to have a positive effect on society and
our businesses, many disparate groups need to be involved; such as developers, installers,
marketers, caregivers, family members and users. Without an alliance of these different
groups, the technology will not reach the user

For more information, please contact Peter Radsliffe from Presto: peter.radsliff@presto.com
AgeTek.org is not live yet, in the meantime, visit: http://smartsilvers.com/sig/


Laura Mitchell
AgeTek Alliance
www.agetek.org (live soon!!)

1st meeting: Thursday March 18th, 2010 430 – 6pm Hong Kong Room, Hyatt – Chicago. During ASA Conference