1-28-10 Age Tech Call – Passive Fall Detection
Date: Thursday Jan 28 2010
Time: 2pm EST/1p CST/ 12n MST/ 11a PST
Where: www.dimdim.com meeting room: grandcare
Dial In Information listed on the webinar
Speaker Name: Mike Dempsey
Position: Founder and CEO
Company: Independence Labs
Personal Bio: Mike Dempsey has over 40 patents for medical devices and has developed products or systems that have treated over 20 million patients. Independence Labs is a company whose mission is to help elders live in their own homes independent and safely for as long as possible. Mike also received a citation from the FDA Commissioner for “exceptional initiative and leadership to protect the public health.” He has a BSEE from The University of Michigan.
Topic: Overview of a new Passive Fall Detection System
We will review a system which can detect if people have fallen down but does not require them to wear anything, push any buttons or take any action.
Please join us! These web calls are open to anyone and everyone in the aging and/or technology industry! The purpose is to educate each other, learn and grow as an industry. Remember, the aging tsunami will float all boats!
Laura Mitchell
Your Aging and Technology Call Host
Go to: www.dimdim.com mtg room: grandcare