Tag Archive for: MDDS

Pre-CEDIA HIPAA Boot Camp in 90 minutes or less….

SIGN UP DEADLINE AUGUST 31st…There will be no extensions, so please make sure to sign up before the 31st!!!!

GrandCare Systems Presents:

pre-CEDIA 90 Min HIPAA BootCamp – Wed Sept 7th, 4-530p

Please join us before CEDIA at our 90 minute HIPAA Intensive!!!
GrandCare’s Security and Compliance Officer, Kristin Bayer, will be leading us in helping us to understand what exactly is HIPAA, why it’s important to you, how to become compliant and steps to get started.


Wednesday Sept 7, 2011 4p – 530p Eastern Time

Indianapolis – Crowne Plaza Hotel: Historic Union Station

$129 per person (GrandCare Dealer & AgeTek Member Discounts apply)

Why: According to new government regulations, all resellers/installers of tele-health devices (blood pressure, weight, pulseox, glucose, etc.) MUST be fully HIPAA Compliant….it is more than just the declaration. There are steps involved, policy/quality statements, etc. Kristin will tell us exactly what it takes!!!

MIXER/NETWORKING SESSION: Directly after, from 6-8p, you can join the GrandCare team and AgeTek Board members at the no-host pre-CEDIA MEET & GREET (location TBA).

To sign up, contact: info@grandcare.com or call us: 262-338-6147

Thanks and we’ll see you at CEDIA 2011!!!!!

Your friends at GrandCare Systems

GrandCare Presents HIPAA Compliance Training, Sept 7th Indianapolis

CEDIA HIPAA Training Seminar:
When: Wednesday Sept 7, 2011  8am – 5p
Where: Indianapolis – Hotel to be announced
GrandCare Presents: 8 HOURS OF HIPAA Compliance Training
Cost: $995 (includes 8 hours of training, training packet, refreshments, lunch and 2 drink tickets)
Discounts available to GrandCare Dealers& AgeTek Members
Refreshments & Lunch included in this day long session.


– WHO needs to become HIPAA Compliant?

– WHY Become HIPAA Compliant?

– WHAT it takes to become HIPAA Compliant?

Led by GrandCare’s HIPAA Compliance Officer, Kristin Bayer.

Coffee Hour/Networking 8 – 9am

9a – 5p Training

530p – 8p GrandCare Mixer

Attendees receive 2 drink coupons for the GC Mixer (immediately following)

SIGN-UP BEFORE July 4th 2011 and receive a 20% discount

Limited Seating! Contact 262-338-6147 or info@grandcare.com

If you don’t get HIPAA compliance training through us, PLEASE get HIPAA training somewhere!!! 🙂