2012 What’s Next Boomer Business Summit
The 9th annual What’s Next Boomer Business Summit is produced by Mary Furlong & Associates, and is the official post-conference event of the American Society on Aging (ASA) Aging in America Conference.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel Washington D.C.
Website: www.BoomerSummit.com
This years Theme: The New Normal
The New Normal will showcase the groundswell in social media, the surge in a Service Economy, and rising of the independent sector.
- Who profits from the senior market and global boomer
- Emerging trends in Markets, both Global and US
- How mobile and wireless growth lead to monetization of boomers and their children and grandchildren.
- Distribution models for reaching and engaging the boomer, the senior, the caregiver, and the grandparent
- Trends that engage consumers with integrated media; whether local, social, mobile, print or through gaming
- New Normal Frugal Economy: the forecast for financial services, housing, consumer directed healthcare, aging in place, and entrepreneurship
- Raising money for a start-up idea; brands entrepreneurs need to jump-start business
- The boomer-seniors effect on the 2012 election
How to Accelerate Lead Generation Through Social, Mobile & Integrated Media 10:30 am – 10:45 am
In the new normal, it is all about customer acquisition, retention and service. Discover the latest trends in how companies are using media to drive leads.