Tag Archive for: Weekly aging and technology conference calls

Thursday 2-24-11 GrandCare Webinar- Julie Fulmer-Mason from MedFolio speaks

We invite you to join in GrandCare’s weekly aging/technology industry webinars. All are welcome to join us!
Date: Thursday Feb 24th 2011
Time: 2pm EST (11am PST)
Room: Go to grandcaresystems.webex.com
Note: If this is your first time using Webex, please note you may have to install an updated version of Java and an Active X PlugIn. We advise logging into the webinar early your first time to ensure ample time to configure your audio and get a feel for the new service. Thank you!

Topic: “From a Pharmacist’s Perspective: Understanding and Improving Medication Adherence”
Julie Fulmer-Mason shares her expert knowledge in the medical and medication field with our webinar this week. Why is medication non-adherence so prevelent in our society? How can we recognize the risks and problems facing patients? What are the costs? All of these questions and more will be answered during this webinar

About our speaker: Julie Fulmer-Mason
Julie Fulmer-Mason is a pharmacist and the President of MedFolio, LLC. Based on her experiences in the pharmaceutical industry, Julie started her own company, MedFolio LLC in 2008, not only as a means to advocate for the importance of medication adherence, but also to design products that truly help patients with independent 21st Century lifestyles to take control of their medications. Their first product, The MedFolio Medication Management System, was released in November 2010 and is targeted for the tech-savvy aging Baby Boomer generation.

Webinar Objectives
•Review prescription medication usage in the United States and the health care costs associated with non-adherence
•Causes for medication non-adherence
•Highlighting health care cost savings associated with medication adherence
•Detailing unrecognized problems patients face with their medications and methods to improve adherence

This webinar is sponsored by MedFolio

11-4-10 Webinar: E-Learning for Caregivers, Dr. Marion speaks

WHEN: Thursday November 4th, 2pm EDT (1p CT).
WHERE: http://my.dimdim.com/grandcare
WHAT: E-Learning for Caregivers, Dr. Marion speaks
WHY: With the senior generation living longer than ever before, Dr. Marion believes we are on the verge of an “elder care tsunami.” Her proven advice and support can help caregivers address the challenges they face as they care for their aging parents, spouses and loved ones.
Topic Description: Dr. Marion is about to release her E-Learning Tool for non professional caregivers. It is a program in partnership with Adobe featuring Captivate 3 technology. It is a 5 hour online class that walks Caregivers through the basics of caregiving from how to properly use a wheelchair to how to make the home safe. They are interested in embedding various products and services within the tool and offering them for sale under an affiliate model through the class.

About Dr. Marion:
A recognized visionary and thought leader in the elder field, Dr. Marion (Marion Somers, Ph.D) has over After decades of working directly with seniors and their caregivers, Dr. Marion launched a public effort to provide practical tools, solutions, and advice to those struggling to care for our aging population. She has helped millions of Americans through her book, “Elder Care Made Easier: Doctor Marion’s 10 Steps to Help You Care for an Aging Loved One,” and her web site, www.drmarion.org , speaking tours, syndicated column, national media appearances, and more.

Upcoming Events:
NAHB Webinar – Nov 17 (Laura M from GrandCare speaks) for info: nahb.org

CES (PRE CES WORKSHOP & ANNUAL AGETEK MEETING) – You don’t want to miss this!
ou are Invited to register for an exciting pre‐CES Workshop:
The Silver Tsunami’ is Coming: Is Your Company Ready?
Wednesday Afternoon ‐‐ January 5, 2011, Las Vegas
AgeTek member companies: $99, non‐members $149 suminfo@silverssummit.com

NAPGCM- – May 12-15, 2011 | Sheraton New Orleans Hotel | New Orleans, LA
AgeTek Discounts apply: http://www.caremanager.org/calendar.cfm