Aging & Technology Topic: Elder Abuse – why we HAVE to know this 6-17-10 2pm EDT

Greetings Aging & Technology Enthusiast!
Please join us tomorrow (Thursday 6-17-10) at 2pm EDT (11am PDT) for our weekly aging & technology forum! Today’s Call has been brought to you by FineThanx: FineThanx is an automated wellness calling service providing twice-daily check-ins for people who live alone, and notifications to a Care Circle of family friends and professionals. Today’s Announcements has been sponsored by ClearSounds Communications with a Question/Answer Session sponsored by Celery.

TOPIC: “Elder Abuse, How Can I Help?”. We are all in the business of being around the aging population. Why we HAVE to be aware of this sad reality.
Dale Carter, founder and owner of Transition Aging Parents, will describe why each of us needs to be informed about Elder Abuse. It can happen to any older individual in any socio-economic class and includes more than just physical and financial abuse. Learn about the warning signs and what to do if you suspect someone is being abused.

Thursday June 17, 2010
TIME: 2pm EDT (11am PDT)