Stay Safe During These Hot Times in the City

Well, here we are. After a winter that seemed not to end (at least here in Wisconsin), we are finally seeing some warm temperatures. And Mother Nature couldn’t just do a general warm day.  No, she had to go from frigid winter temperatures right into the 80s and even 90s. Love or hate the super hot weather, it’s a critical time to stay safe by keeping hydrated, staying indoors, and keeping the house cool. This is especially important for those with humidity-sensitive conditions such as COPD.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that approximately 1300 people die from heat related causes every year. The majority of those victims are young children and the elderly. 

Just some of the ways you can stay safe and cool this summer

Here are some quick tips and tricks to BEAT THE HEAT:

  1. Stay hydrated: This is one of the easiest things to do. If given the option, drink water. You might also opt for sports drinks, such as Gatorade, to help replenish lost nutrients and minerals in the body. Make sure to read the label. Some sports drinks are loaded with sugar.
  2. Avoid overly greasy or hot and heavy foods: This includes hot pasta dishes. Eat cold sandwiches, salads, and lighter pasta salads. These will add less heat to your body.
  3. Stay away from tight or dark clothing: Loose-fitting, lightweight, and light-colored articles allow your body some breathing room.
  4. Stay inside and avoid strenuous exercise: This is especially important during the hottest parts of the day. If you do need to be outside, take frequent water and rest breaks.
  5. Be aware of heat stroke and exhaustion symptoms: These include confusion, headaches, profuse sweating, rapid heartbeat, nausea, and fatigue.
  6. Use a technology such as GrandCare to keep yourself or a loved one safer, healthier and more comfortable: The GrandCare touchscreen can let you and family know when the outdoor humidity or temperature is too high. It can remind you when it’s time to drink water. It can indicate if the air conditioner is not working and if the in-home temperature reaches a potentially dangerous level. And, GrandCare can help you to continuously monitor vitals and send an alert if a red flag reading needs to be addressed.

This warm weather won’t last forever – at least not in the Badger State!  But in these dog days of summer, please remember to take care of yourselves and your loved ones! 

If you’d like to learn more about GrandCare Systems, contact us or request a demo.


GrandCare Featured on Into Tomorrow with Dave Graveline

GrandCare CEO Laura Mitchell was recently a guest on Into Tomorrow, a radio show that has been featuring innovative technology for 23 years. Laura talked with host Dave Graveline about some of GrandCare’s key features, including touchscreen-based remote monitoring, video chat, and socialization for seniors and individuals with disabilities.

Listen to the boradcast:

high technology home care

Technology for In-Home Care: Show Me the Money!

Last week, we received a call from a guy who runs an in-home care franchise on the East Coast. He’s done a lot of innovative things with technology and now he was interested in GrandCare as an enabling technology for his company. We did a demo of the system and he was impressed. His following question was one we hear time and time again. “What’s the ROI?”

It seems obvious when you add enabling technologies that things become better, cheaper, faster and more efficient. Think about how far we’ve come with technology in agriculture, shopping and transportation. It only makes sense that adding monitoring technologies and video chat check-in technologies to home care would provide additional revenue options as well as a lower cost care alternative. But, where’s the proof? It got us to thinking.

We all know the statistics about the rising aging population, caregiver burnout and staff turnover–especially caregiving staff for home care providers. Companies are looking to technology to help. The question is not if home care technology can help. It’s how to implement it, how to price it, and how to make money with it. What is the ROI? We have thought a lot about this, and we have the answers you are looking for.

On Thursday, August 8th, we’re presenting an interactive webinar that will show you exactly that! How do you implement video chat, remote activity and telehealth technology into your current caregiving offerings? How do you price it? When will you see that Return On Investment? And how can you add new revenue models into your organization?

We think you’ll be impressed.

Mark your calendars and join us for this free 60 min webinar, sponsored by GrandCare Systems.

Register for Webinar

Thursday August 8th
9am PDT
10am MDT
11am CDT
12pm EDT