Digital Health & Professional Care: What’s the ROI?
Learn about how one GrandCare HomeCare provider successfully utilizes the GrandCare technology as a tool for clients to provide better, more cost-effective and visionary care. GrandCare & Knute Nelson co-presented at the AgeTech West Conference in Pasadena, November 2013. The audience: long term care and in-home care providers, looking to utilize activity and digital health telemonitoring and socialization technologies for a competitive edge and to improve their bottom line!!
Realizing the Value of Care Technologies through Implementation at Scale:
“The New Care Professional: Powered by Digital Health Technology”
PRESENTERS: Laura Mitchell, VP Business Development, GrandCare Systems and Daphne Karpan, Palliative Care Manager, KnuteNelson Home Care
Digital health, social engagement and remote monitoring technologies are designed to not only create a better care experience for seniors and their families, but equally important is enhancing the way professionals can manage the care needs of their clients. This session discusses how an easy-to-use, convenient technology platform has been integrated into a home care organization, empowering and transforming Professional Care Managers into efficient, more knowledgeable purveyors of care and support. Learn how integrating technology with hands-on services can change the way we care for those in need in the most efficient and cost-effective manner without compromising quality.
It would be interesting to know what type of marketing research digital innovators use before designing a mobile health device. Just read via Quartz that there is no effective way to use market research to predict consumer reaction to new concepts – consumers tend to be locked into what they are used to and believe today, which makes them less receptive to very different concepts and more receptive to small improvements over the current state.
Great point- Carol!
It’s the apple mentality: you don’t know what you need, but we do!
It’s trying to create a simple, intuitive caregiving platform that simply extends the caregiver’s knowledge and touch.