Tag Archive for: Aging

GrandCare’s Charlie Hillman to Speak at HxRefactored

Cambridge, Massachusetts. June 20th and 21st. More than six hundred thinkers, leaders, and innovators will gather to discuss one thing: the healthcare experience. GrandCare’s own Charlie Hillman has been selected as an industry thought leader to share his experience and knowledge. Alongside his industry colleagues, he will be discussing tech for the aging population and how GrandCare technology helps the elderly in mind, body and spirit.

HXRefactored June 201-21If there’s one thing Charlie is passionate about, it’s using enabling technologies to better the aging experience, make caregiving easier, and to mitigate costly health interventions. “The current healthcare system cannot go on without bankrupting my children and grandchildren,” Hillman said. “Patient engagement is critical. Technologies designed to engage patients will reduce costs, improve outcomes, and revolutionize care delivery.”

There’s no telling where the conversation will lead, but it’s certain to be interesting. Healthcare is a topic that isn’t going away anytime soon as key innovators and healthcare experts work together to find ways to make healthcare more accessible, more affordable and scalable.

Recent GrandCare Studies showed increased patient satisfaction for patients that combined hands on care with GrandCare technology. This is because GrandCare was designed to improve the care recipient’s experience. Read the study findings here.

Now in its seventh year, HxRefactored will take place in Cambridge, MA on June 20 & 21, 2017. Click here to register.

How one man’s journey with dementia will change lives.

Sandy Halperin

Sandy Halperin

While recently speaking at the National Alzheimer’s Project Act Advisory Council meeting in Washington, D.C., Dr. Alexander “Sandy” Halperin, DDS talked about his life as a dementia patient. The outspoken advocate for the Alzheimer’s Disease Care and Cure cause, openly shared his daily struggles with the symptoms of the disease and its progression since being diagnosed in 2010. During his impassioned speech, Sandy talks about how he often requires the assistance of what he refers to as his “second brains.” Said brains taking the form of note pads, books and documents Sandy has authored over the years, his family memories scrapbook, the grandCARE system technology tool, and his loving wife of over 40 years, Gail.

What struck me most about Sandy’s speech is that save for a few brief moments of a lost train of thought, I wouldn’t have even thought he was a man struggling with the effects of such a disease given his poise and passion for speaking. Having experienced this first-hand, as my own grandmother suffers from late stage dementia, her outward appearance, cognitive, and physical capabilities are marked and noticeably different. She rarely speaks, remains largely confined to her bed in the nursing home where she resides, and her cognitive capabilities are virtually non-existent, as she no longer remembers me as her granddaughter or other close family members whom she has known for years. She is older, at 79 years of age, but her disease progression moved swiftly after receiving her initial diagnosis only a few short years ago. Unfortunately, by that time, she was already too far gone, to the point of requiring extensive care. 

The early warning signs were there, the simple daily forgetfulness of “where did I leave my purse?”. To the re-telling of a story we’ve heard for the umpteenth time. In retrospect, red flags should have been going up, starting probably 10 to 15 years ago. As with anyone, getting older often comes with its fair share of “senior moments”, at some point however, those innocent “senior moments” become something more.

Despite Sandy’s open acknowledgement and awareness that one day, he too may find himself in such a condition as my grandmother, his spirit, courage, and fight to be a vibrant and public voice of awareness for the disease is certainly inspiring. His voice is getting heard and his message on alzheimer’s is loud and clear, “care and cure”. CNN is currently following Sandy, filming a multi-chapter documentary on his personal journey, in a piece appropriately titled, “Sandy’s Story.” The world renowned, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, will also be following Sandy Halperin’s story on “Sanjay Gupta, M.D.

Sandy's Story CNN

A brief excerpt of chapter one of “Sandy’s Story”, by Stephanie Smith, CNN:

“It is a horrifying, gripping, devastating disease that plays havoc on the family and on the patient,” says Gail Halperin, Sandy’s wife.

But, she says, what has softened the blow of Halperin’s diagnosis is the way he responded to it — at least after the initial stunned feeling subsided.

“He immediately came out and said, ‘I don’t want to cover this up. I want to share it with people and be proactive,'” his wife says.

Recent data suggest that such a response is rare: Nearly 13% of Americans reported experiencing worsening confusion or memory loss after age 60, but most — 81% — had not consulted with a health care provider about their cognitive issues, according to the March Alzheimer’s Association report.

One of the goals of the project is to achieve increased awareness, in the hopes that individuals and family member’s recognize the early warning signs sooner to increase the effectiveness of medical intervention, and even incorporate technology aids, like the grandCARE system, to help improve the patient’s quality of life and their ability to remain more independent.

National Alzheimers Project Act Logo

To learn more about this project, and how you may be able to help, please go to:

grandCARE featured in Improving Seniors’ Home Safety Through Software IndustryView

Software Advice, a resource for software buyers looking to improve their home heath and long-term care services, recently featured GrandCARE in their report on senior home safety:
“Some vendors, such as grandCARE Systems, cater to average families and home health agencies alike. These vendors’ products and services include sensors that can be configured to send out alerts, wireless touch screens to facilitate communication for seniors, telehealth support and more.”

“Seniors aging at home are constantly at risk for life-threatening falls,” says Market Researcher Gaby Loria. “We wanted to take on this topic in our research report as a way to highlight home safety initiatives, measure adoption rates for those initiatives and explore technology’s growing role in keeping older Americans safe in their houses.”

The results signaled many older Americans and their families are hesitant to implement both traditional and tech-based home safety measures. “The bulk of our findings are surprising because we expected seniors to embrace tools and technology that would minimize their risks for hospitalization while allowing them to age at home,” says Loria. “This just goes to show why it’s so important for home health agencies to act on their own opportunities for promoting a safe environment in patient homes.”

grandCARE products

grandCARE products

Read the whole article here

Digital health is growing rapidly

While there are a number of growing markets in digital health, there are two that seem to be picking up speed with consumers and care providers: aging and wearables. With this growth comes more investor dollars and more companies wanting in.

As one of the most valuable market segments, boomers account for nearly $230 billion in sales for consumer goods and will control 70% of the nation’s disposable income in the next twenty years.   And with the wearables market projected to cross $8 billion by 2018, companies are taking notice.

Gain invaluable insight into the digital health market when a silicon valley VC leads an enlightening discussion with the consumer electronics industry’s authority on market research and the chief marketing officer of the leading caregiving technology company.

Digital health


Anne DeGheest, Founder & Managing Director, Healthtech Capital


Laura Mitchell, Chief Marketing Officer, GrandCare Systems
Kevin Tillmann, Senior Research Analyst, CEA

Tune into this 25 minute segment

System Comp 2This panel took place at the 2014 Digital Health Summer Summit. The team from GrandCare was there, showcasing the latest and greatest GrandCare System, designed for patient socialization and engagement, enhancing the patient experience, while enabling professional caregivers to turn their “man on man” caregivers into “zone caregivers”, providing better, more efficient, more cost-effective care.  Watch GrandCare’s chief medical officer, Laura Mitchell as she describes the shift in market traction and why our solutions should focus on the outcomes and not on the process.

The system is a vehicle behind a successful care delivery model, while putting the patient firmly in the center and emphasizing continuity and seamless transition throughout the whole care network (family, professional caregivers, healthcare providers, patient) and encouraging patient self care (chronic disease management), socialization with family and friends and virtual professional caregiving through HIPAA compliant video chat, medication prompting and check-in video visits.

GrandCare can better care delivery outcomes for:

– Professional In-home Care providers

– CCRCs without walls (Long Term Care Providers)

– HealthCare Providers (Hospital to Home Transitions)

– Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs)

– Hospice/End of Life Care


To learn more about GrandCare Systems please visit: www.grandcare.com

To watch a short testimonial video click here.



TOMORROW! GrandCare featured on The TODAY Show!!

Wednesday, February 6th on NBC. Tune in from 7-9am CT

Jim MillerSavvy Senior’s Jim Miller Showcasing GrandCare

Jim Miller, creator of the syndicated column Savvy Senior will feature GrandCare’s touch-based system on The TODAY Show!

Since 2005, GrandCare Systems® has provided the most comprehensive caregiving technology on the market today, enabling individuals to remain safe, healthy and happy at home.

Savvy Senior logoSavvy Senior is a national information service devoted to older Americans and the families who support them. Through a variety of media, Savvy Senior provides information and resources through its nationally syndicated newspaper column, senior newswire service, resource books, weekly radio program and television.

Remember to watch or set your DVR’s!

“Redefining Communications in the Aging Space”

Join us for the Aging & Technology Webinar, Thursday July 19th
Featuring Nina Dunn, Elder Care Public Relations Specialist

2pm ET – 1pm CT  –  GrandCareSystems.WebEx.com
 Dial in at +1-408-600-3600 Access code: 663 366 368

“Redefining Communications in the Aging Space”

Today’s seniors are fundamentally different from generations before them. They have unique needs and desires; they are more active and independent; and they are also technologically savvy. As baby boomers begin reaching retirement age, these traits will become even more apparent.

For companies to communicate with this audience, it will be essential for them to realign their perspective — seniors no longer see themselves as rocking chair-bound grandparents, and neither should you.

 Consider this webinar as public relations 101 for the 50+ market.

Read more

Laura Mitchell to Speak on Hospital Readmission

At the First National Medicare-Medicaid Payment Incentives and Penalties Summit

“The Leading Forum on Recovery Audits, Readmissions, Value-Based Purchasing, HACs and Never Events, and Managing to Medicare Margins.”

Laura Mitchell, VP Business Development will be speaking alongside Dr. Erick Eiting on “Healing in Place™ — Using Technology to Reduce the Risk of Hospital Readmissions.” Conference Theme II: Thursday, May 31, 2012, from 4:45pm-5:15pm in the Prince William room. 

Laura has also recently published a whitepaper under the same title.

The following is an excerpt form “Healing in Place™”:

From Hospital to Home: The Grand Transition
One cannot seriously talk about healthcare reform, improving outcomes, or reducing cost without talking about the aging of America, given the large portion of healthcare costs that are incurred in the later stages of life.1 Healthcare already consumes a distressing 17% percentage of GDP, and with the “Boomers” entering their chronic condition years, the financial strain on our society is certain to become more acute, if not critical. As a society, we pay for many pounds of cure. GrandCare Systems is passionate about providing those ounces of prevention that allow patients to successfully transition from acute care to heal at home with a technology assist. Only by moving from the monitored life to the analyzed life to the influenced life, can we reverse the cost spiral of post-acute and chronic care.

A downloadable copy of this whitepaper is available HERE.

For more information on the summit visit http://www.medicaremedicaidpaymentsummit.com

Register at http://medicaremedicaidpaymentsummit.com/registration.php

Preparing for Future Technology- Enabled Care Models: Part 2, With Paul Burnstein

Thursday, March 15th 2pm ET – 1pm CT
Call in: 1-408-600-3600 Pin: 661 857 384#

Health care reform is rapidly accelerating changes in aging services that were already underway driven by consumer demands, capital and payment mechanisms, workforce, technology, quality, transparency and accountability. These changes are driving innovation and the emergence of a number of new care/ business models.

This presentation will continue outlining innovative technology-enabled care models and describing key enabling technologies that CAST encountered in its recent Scenario Planning effort.

Part 1 of this presentation is available for Download Here.

  • See how the field of aging services is rapidly evolving under health reform pressures, among other things.
  • Learn about emerging long-term and post-acute care models that CAST encountered in its Scenario Planning exercise.
  • Learn about key enabling technologies for the emerging future models.

Paul Burnstein, Associate Director, Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST)

Paul Burnstein joined the LeadingAge Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST) as Associate Director in 2011. Prior to CAST, Paul was the executive director of Sinai Family Home Services, a start-up, non- profit, in-home care agency in Portland, OR.

Paul helps execute CAST’s agenda in leading and expanding a national network of technology companies, providers and research institutions focused on technology solutions for an aging society. He coordinates state-level technology initiatives that aim to identify barriers and opportunities to facilitate the use of technology in an aging society, in partnership with LeadingAge State Affiliates.

This Thursday’s Aging & Tech Web Meeting: Canopy Mktg by Donna Cusano, Telecare Aware

This Thursday’s Aging & Tech Web Meeting
Topic: Canopy Marketing–Getting Down to the Roots (Marketing technology directly to your community)

Thursday 10-15-09 2p Eastern/1pm Central/12n Mountain/11a Pacific

Meeting Site: www.dimdim.com room: grandcare

1. Introduction & Announcements

2. Call Topic: Canopy Marketing–Getting Down to the Roots
– How every marketing plan has several different layers in the “canopy” with different functions
– How utilizing multiple channels pays off in customers
Our market, where a technology like GrandCare is positioned, and its inherent contradiction
– What you can do that doesn’t take a fortune in marketing spend
– Open forum

3. Next week’s Topic: Carol Marak, CareBuzz offers her perspective: reaching adult children, the caregivers and decision makers, of aging parents through the Internet

4. Wrap-Up

This call is brought to you by in-home technology, GrandCare Systems: www.grandcare.com. These calls were designed to bring about a group of visionary individuals to learn from each other, network and grow! These calls are open to anyone and everyone at no charge. If you are interested in speaking, or have a topic suggestion, please reply to: info@grandcare.com