All are welcome to join us! Calls created & hosted by GrandCare Systems (since 2008). Sponsored by various industry participants
These calls are possible because of our industry sponsors! Sponsor a webinar for only $50 and get your info and logo sent out to over 1500 mailing participants and receive 3-5 minutes on the webinar to promote your product/services. To sponsor: sign up here
Caregiver Survival Manual For Living With a Person With Dementia” speaks.
5-5-11 Pricing Your Technology Solution: The MILLION Dollar Question. Panelists, Laurie Orlov, Charlie Hillman discuss what you should and shouldn’t do when pricing your technology to customers.
5-19-11 Beating Gravity: Avoiding Falls with Elders: Dr. Rein Tideiksaar speaks.
ABOUT YOUR HOST: Laura Mitchell, VP of Marketing for GrandCare Systems, started these calls in April of 2008 to educate dealers, network with other vendors, promote awareness & share good information. GrandCare is a communication, cognition, socialization and remote wellness/Activity of Daily Living monitoring system that helps individuals remain independent, healthy, happy, mentally sharp & connected to family- no matter where they choose to live. Age Responsibly with GrandCare Systems. To become a GrandCare Dealer, contact us dealers(at)
Previous Topics
1-13-11 TOPIC: Arthur R. Kupperman from My Senior Portal speaks
1-20-11 TOPIC: Jane Regan speaks on Aging Gracefully: Designing Baths with style and safety for your future.
1-27-11 TOPIC: Stacey Pierce from The Oaks speaks
2-3-11 TOPIC: Lori Bitter from Continuum Crew speaks Targeting the NEW Mature Customer
2-10-11 TOPIC: Jerry Biese from Genworth Life Insurance Company speaks
2-17-11 TOPIC: Industry Roundtable (first time on WebEx)
2-24-11 TOPIC: From a Pharmacist’s Perspective: Understanding and Improving Medication Adherence. Julie Fulmer-Mason from MedFolio speaks, sponsored by MedFolio
3-3-11 TOPIC: Living in Assisted Living at 42. Steve Gurney from Guide to Retirement Living Sourcebook speaks. This webinar is sponsored by Guide to Retirement Living Sourcebook
3-10-11 TOPIC: Richard Anthony from GRAND Media speaks
3-24-11 TOPIC: Mark Shea from North Cascade Right at Home speaks, “Home Care in the 21st Century”, sponsored by Home Controls
3-31-11 TOPIC: Cathy Majkowski from Home Instead Senior Care speaks, sponsored by Presto
4-7-11 TOPIC: 10 Ways to Break Into the Home Health Industry & Dealer-to-Dealer Panel – – Laura Mitchell, Peter Radsliff, Bob Levy & Tom Morgan speak, sponsored by CEDIA
1-14-10 Jack York CEO of It’s Never too Late, Speaks on Social Connectivity & Brain Stimulation
1-21-10 Julie Sipchen of the National Alzheimer’s Association speaks on the educational component on dementia as well as talk about the new Comfort Zone program.
1-28-10 Mike Dempsey of Independence Labs speaks on Fall Detection (Fall Sensors)
2-4-10 Terry Campbell, Atty at Law speaks on ElderCare and the natural synergy between Elder Law & Tech Providers 2-11-10 Terry Lynch author of “But I don’t Want ElderCare” speaks.. So You Don’t Want “Eldercare”? − Beware These Aging Myths!
2-18-10 Dan Dunlop CEO of Jennings speaks on Social Marketing & Media in the HealthCare Industry
2-25-10 Carolyn Sithong, an Occupational Therapist from Home for Life Design, will share an OT’s view on Aging-in-Place (AIP)
3-4-10 Patricia Grace, founder of Aging with Grace speaks
3-11-10 CloseBy Network speaks on monitoring technologies
3-18-10 SENIOR CYBORG: The Rise of the Machines. Charlie Hillman from GrandCare Systems speaks
3-25-10 LIVE FROM the Electronic House Expo (Orlando) Home Health technology pavilion
4-1-10 Neil Grabowski, CEO of Celery speaks on the value of customer service
4-8-10 Martin Diano, founder of Boomer Authority speaks on social media
4-15-10 Peter Radsliff (Presto) and Laura Mitchell (GrandCare Systems) present on HOW to dive into this 20 billion dollar aging & technology industry. (A reprise from EHX 2010)
4-22-10 AgeTek Alliance Informational Member Session! Find out what this new alliance is all about and how YOU can join the vision!
4-29-10 Monica Anderson (formerly of Dakim), speaks on the importance of mental fitness
5-6-10 Patrece Banks, Invisible Caregiver, speaks on the medical device/assistive tech device issue
5-13-10 John Boden, ElderIssues, speaks on the Last Inch of Caregiver Data Transmission
5-20-10 Michele Ahlman, President of ClearSounds Communications, Inc. speaks on hearing/vision loss detection and methods for communication
5-27-10 Steve Abate, VRI, speaks on Telehealth and home safety for seniors.
6-3-10 Sponsored by PRESTO! TOPIC: The importance of social media and marketing to the Boomer Woman (Stephen Reily,, speaks)
6-10-10 Sponsored by Home Controls TOPIC: Roundtable discussion on the varied approach and process of selling to the aging population
6-17-10 Sponsored by FineThanx
co-sponsored by Celery & Clearsounds Communications
TOPIC: Dale Carter, Transition Aging Parents, speaks on “Elder Abuse” – Why you NEED to hear this
6-24-10 Sponsored by FineThanx
co-sponsored by Halo Monitoring and The Aging & Technology Alliance (AgeTek)
TOPIC: Maria Tadd, author of “Happiness Is Growing Old at Home”, speaks on various high-tech devices that will help seniors at home as well as in facilities
7-1-10 Sponsored by Home Controls
co-sponsored by Harper Technology Group & The Aging and Technology Alliance (AgeTek)
TOPIC: Debra Young, EmpowerAbility, CAPS and LIVEABLE DESIGN
7-8-10 Sponsored by Celery
co-sponsored by AARP Orlando@50+, Home Controls.
TOPIC: Lori Bitter, Continuum Care Crew, Learn the misconception about how mature couples make their purchase decisions and why it is all about functionality, not features, that lead to adoption and a consumer devoted to your product.
7-15-10 Sponsored by Home Controls
co-sponsored by Celery & ClearSounds
TOPIC: Tessa Ten Tuscher, CEO of Living Well at Home speaks on The Assisted Living at Home Model of Care
7-22-10 Sponsored by Presto!
co-sponsored by ClearSounds & AgeTek
TOPIC: Shana Duthie, CEO of Nurture Connect, speaks on customer sales & service. You only have one chance to make a first impression
7-29-10 TOPIC:Rita Kobb, MN, APRN-BC, VHA Telehealth Services speaks on care coordination and home telehealth in VHA Sponsored by Dr. Gene Loeb Aronin, co-sponsored by ClearSounds
8-5-10 TOPIC:Aging & Technology RoundTable: A Brainstorming Session, Sponsored by Worthington, co-sponsored by Presto!and GrandCare Systems
8-12-10 TOPIC: Mark Stowers, Comfort Keepers, discusses the circle of life & why home-based care providers and technology have synergy Sponsored by Ho’okele, co-sponsored by GrandCare Systems
8-19-10 TOPIC: Laurie Orlov, Aging in Place Technology Watch speaks on Caregiving Technology — What’s New? Sponsored by Added Care Services co-sponsored by Celery & Home Controls.
8-26-10 TOPIC: Social Media 2.0 – Peter from Presto explains, Sponsored by Presto! co-sponsored by Home Controls
9-2-10 TOPIC: Technology & Aging: The Value Proposition Ken Kerr speaks Sponsored by Home Controls
9-9-10 TOPIC:Building a New Aging Continuum – Art Carr speaks, Sponsored by Dakim
9-16-10 TOPIC: State-Level Aging Services Technology Provider And Policy Initiatives, Scott Peifer (CAST) Speaks Sponsored by Worthington Distribution
9-23-10 Sponsored by Home Controls TOPIC: LIVE FROM CEDIA!!
9-30-10 Sponsored by Presto! TOPIC: Aging in Place, Louis Tenenbaum speaks
10-7-10 TOPIC: Holistic Approach to Aging in Place, Charlie Hillman from GrandCare speaks
10-14-10 TOPIC: Videocalling for Seniors by Serge Kogan, g2gConnect
10-21-10 TOPIC: Dr. Barbara Harper from Harper Technology Group speaks on “GrandCare Systems and a Framework for Generational Understanding”
10-28-10 TOPIC: Liddy Manson from BeClose Speaks -Solving the Conundrum of Aging in Place Safely 11-11-10 TOPIC: Mary Furlong speaks on New revenue streams for your aging in place business Sponsored by Dr Marion E-Learning for Caregivers
12-2-10 TOPIC: Susan Ayers Walker discusses the Silver Tsunami & how your company can benefit
11-25-10 NO CALL! Happy Thanksgiving!!
11-18-10 TOPIC: Julie Jacobson, Editor of CE PRO speaks
12-9-10 TOPIC: Laurie Orlov speaks on 10 tips for launching a new product or service.
12-16-10 TOPIC: Shana Duthie from Nuture Connect shares: Direct Sales – Why it works.
10-29-09 Patrece Banks of Invisible Caregiver speaks on Assistive Technology, the knowledge gaps, risk management issues & medical devices
11-5-09 Susan Ayers Walker of Smart Silvers Alliance: The Silver Summit and trends in the aging market
11-12-09 Serge Kogan speaks“Who sells what to whom in the remote patient-monitoring market”
11-19-09 Peter Radsliff, founder of Presto
12-3-09 Barbara Friesner, AgeWise Living
12-10-09 Roundtable Sales Discussion
12-17-09 Carol Marak: Strategic Online Marketing