Why the Home Health Market Will Explode…from CEPRO

Hands-on exhibits will teach custom electronics professionals how to tap into this booming marketplace.
Jan 5th 2010, By Jessica Camerato
01.05.2010 — Looking to find more customers? It’s easier than you may think.
Make that a million times easier.
Home Health Technology is one of the most lucrative markets in today’s economy. Every month approximately one million people turn 60 years old, and 80 percent of them are in developing countries. Not to mention nearly two-thirds of people who have ever lived to the age of 65 are still alive today.

In fact, the fastest growing population segment is people 85 and older. The second fastest? Those who have turned 100, according to AARP.

Need to know more? About 3.5 million people worldwide will be over 100 years old by 2050, according to HelpAge International.

This rapidly growing population (also known as the “silver tsunami”) of seniors and aging baby boomers represents a thriving client base that cannot be ignored in today’s economy.

“The recession is probably the best thing that ever happened to the aging and technology industry,” said Laura Mitchell, business relationship specialist for GrandCare Systems, a leading provider of high-end, in-home health technologies and vocal advocate and educator to dealers and policy makers. “People cannot afford to go into assisted living where, on average, you’re spending about $4,000 to $8,000 a month.

“Whereas if you can purchase a system and stay in your home for even a month or two, you’ve already purchased the system. Not to mention, a lot of people who may need to go into a facility cannot sell their house right now and so they don’t have the option to moving into a facility. They need something in the interim.”

Home Health at EHX Spring
EHX Spring 2010 has partnered with GrandCare Systems to present the Home Health Tech Pavilion in Orlando, Fla. on March 25-27. These dedicated sessions and hands-on exhibits will teach custom electronics professionals how they can tap into this booming marketplace.
“Dealers really do need to be the expert in this industry,” said Mitchell.
Many CE pros already have the skills they need to succeed in this industry. Health care providers are turning to those who have experience in home automation to set up systems in homes and in long-term care facilities. GrandCare, for example, uses existing protocol-driven sensors such as the Z-Wave mesh network and Bluetooth technology.
“There is an especially good fit for people in the home automation industry who already have a feeling of how to set up sensors, to set up mesh networks, to make sure there is Internet access in the home, to do smart sensor placement,” said Mitchell.
…read the entire article: http://www.cepro.com/article/why_the_home_health_market_will_explode/



New Revenue Opportunities For Integrators
With GrandCare Systems

Target A New Market, Expand Your Client Base, Leverage Your Existing Customer List, Install More Products And Increase Revenues!

GrandCare is an IP based wireless assistance system for seniors, their families and care partners. It combines aspects of home automation, online communications and healthcare in one package. GrandCare Program benefits include:

New Market: Tap into a market of 44 million family caregivers, and growing!

Easy Return On Investment (ROI): Once you are a GrandCare Authorized Dealer, you are able to purchase a standard system at the wholesale price and sell it retail. Every installation gives you an immediate gross profit with a terrific value proposition for your clients!

Recurring Revenue: Dealers receive residuals from the GrandCare monthly service fees.

Dealer Training: A full day of system installation, marketing and sales training at the Home Controls training facility. Plus, unlimited number of people from your company may attend an unlimited number of times.
For more information or to Sign Up As An Authorized GrandCare Dealer,
call 800-266-8765 x133 or email Brian@HomeControls.com

GrandCare Creates A Care Triangle
Between Seniors, Families And Caregivers

FOR THE SENIOR: GrandCare consists of a central touchscreen unit placed in the resident’s home. The system provides access to news, weather, pictures, email, reminders and more on the touchscreen monitor. The resident can also play games, search the Internet, listen to music and other interactive activities. No interaction by the senior is required.

FOR THE FAMILY: Family members can stay in contact with their loved-one through GC-Manage, a web-based system supported by any Internet browser. They can send messages and photos to the GrandCare unit, review the safety and wellness of their loved-one, and communicate with the caregivers.

FOR THE CAREGIVER: The GrandCare unit communicates with a wide range of wireless devices to monitor activities of daily living and wellness. Caregivers can access the system using GC-Manage to assess the wellness and safety of the resident. GrandCare can also send an email, text message or phone call if something is amiss or an alert occurs.

FOR THE DEALER: GrandCare is not a one-time project, but establishes a long-term relationship with the senior, family and caregivers. Dealers benefit from design services, product sales, installations, residuals from the monthly service fee and future expansions of the GrandCare system as a family’s needs change.

For more information or to Sign Up As An Authorized GrandCare Dealer,
call 800-266-8765 x133 or email Brian@HomeControls.com

New Video Testimonials from couple that received GrandCare for Christmas!

All I want for Christmas is happiness, safety and my health! Jude Harper captured this fantastic video of new GrandCare users, who received this as a gift from family for Christmas!

See how one 80-something couple reacted when given the GrandCare System for Christmas this year!!!
3 LIVE UNREHEARSED SCENES of this couple enjoying and using the GrandCare System.
SCENE ONE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wj268spbHrQ&feature=related
SCENE TWO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwoEx0Ahnz8
SCENE THREE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCI049CKS5A&NR=1

It’s the gift of happiness, freedom and “peace of mind”


For more information: www.grandcare.com or contact us: sales@grandcare.com 262-338-6147

Come visit us at CES Booth: North 2820A TechZone – Digital health Pavilion

GrandCare Systems will be exhibiting at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas January 7-10 in the digital health pavilion (Las Vegas Convention Center North Hall). Look for GrandCare founder & CEO, Charlie Hillman, speaking on a panel during the Silvers Summit on Sat Jan 9.

Going to be there on Thursday? Contact us to speak during our regularly scheduled agetech call (thursdays at 2p est). We are interviewing various show attendees to get a feel of the conference from the aging/tech perspective.

Stop by and visit us! Want to schedule an appt? Just email Laura: dealers@GrandCare.com

GrandCare is accepting dealer applications! More info: gcsales@homecontrols.com

See you in Vegas!

Laurie Orlov’s post on our weekly calls


Marketing and selling Technology for Aging in Place
Submitted by Laurie Orlov on Thu, 12/17/2009 – 14:41

…Selling technology into the world of senior professionals. On a recent GrandCare Systems conference call, I listed to participants mull over the best techniques for selling monitoring technology offerings, particularly accelerating closure of the deal. Here are the suggestions — at the other end of the marketing techniques, of course — since all selling is by definition, local:

1. Be a guest speaker for senior housing organization or professional group, like visiting nurse associations.
2. Participate in resident or family councils.
3. To encourage organization bandwidth upgrades, demo valuable content to seniors…
4. …Who may pressure administrators to upgrade.
5. Target the grandchildren to reel in grandparents.
6. Seek testimonials from satisfied residents — encourage them to tell their peers.
7. Provide information on how use of technology can help seniors help their families.
8. Engage residents or senior clients as technology champions.
9. Clearly quantify investment benefits (more effective staff utilization, risk mitigation from falls, etc.) to categorize purchase as required versus additive.
10. Help senior industry professionals see ways to generate revenue or acquire competitive differentiation from use of the product.

Requests to elaborate as well as additional thoughts are always welcome.

Strategic Web Marketing – Thurs Dec 17th AGETECH Call


Who: Carol Marak of CareBuzz

What: Positioning Your Business for Top Organic Rankings ONLINE
Before spending a bunch of money planning your Internet strategy, learn how to research what buyers in your area are looking for when seeking your service/product. Don’t just randomly throw money at Google and a website hoping people will find you… Be strategic.

When: Date Dec 17th, 2pm EST/1p CST

Go to: www.dimdim.com
Meeting Room: GrandCare

Why: These webinars are open to ALL and hosted every week to educate, learn from each other, network with each other and have a good time!
Remember, THE UPCOMING AGING TSUNAMI will float all boats! Let’s join together and MAKE A SPLASH in the aging and technology industry!!!

This call is hosted by GrandCare Systems, a sensor-based Wise Home technology that marries social connectivity, wellness assessment, ADL monitoring and cognitive assists into ONE easy-to-use Technology. More info: www.grandcare.com


Laura Mitchell
Aging/Tech Call Coordinator & Host

GrandCare is now accepting dealers. Email: gcsales@homecontrols.com for more information

We hate spam! To unsubscribe, simply write back with unsubscribe in the subject line.

Why is it hard to sell technology to the aging industry? What do you think??

Thursday Dec 10th at 2pm EST, bunch of us are getting together and having a roundtable discussion on sales techniques and obstacles in the aging and technology industry. Please join in to listen or share your thoughts with us on this interactive forum. OPEN TO ANYONE & EVERYONE IN THE AGING and/or TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY.

Join us 2pm EST/1pm CST. Just go to: www.dimdim.com, meeting room: grandcare
Dial in info listed on the webinar!

1. What have your experiences been selling technology to the aging population and their families?
2. Where have you seen the most success?
3. Where the least?
4. THE CLOSE!! The 20 billion dollar question! How do you go from interest to the install?
5. What are some hurdles that you see in this industry? Is it the technology itself? Is it the price? Is it that the aging population refuses to admit they may need help? Is it that the family is in denial that they need help? Maybe a little bit of all? FEEDBACK DESIRED!

Please Join us for this interesting conversation, contribute & learn. Like we always say, REMEMBER, the aging tsunami will FLOAT ALL BOATS! Or as Michael Sarfatti (SmartSilvers) wisely said, We can either hang together or we can hang alone!

These Aging and Technology Conferences are hosted weekly by GrandCare Systems. These webinar/calls were designed to learn from each other, cooperate, share information & network in the 20 billion dollar aging and technology industry. All are welcome! To receive weekly notifications on the call topics, please register here: http://dealerwww.grandcare.com
GrandCare is a complete communication, cognition and wellness assessment system to address physical needs of our aging population, keep caregivers informed and at ease, while addressing the socialization, cognition and connectivity needs of seniors today! Visit www.grandcare.com. GrandCare is now accepting dealers. Email gcsales@homecontrols.com for more information!

Thanks and Keep the Vision!
Laura H Mitchell
GrandCare Systems

Give your entire family a gift this year! The gift of peace of mind and happiness!

GrandCare Systems – the Gift of Peace & Family Togetherness

Imagine your “technology challenged” elderly parents being able to receive messages, voicemails, personal pictures, watch a video of their grandchild’s recital or play games like solitaire, master mind, and trivia right from a TV monitor in their own living room. In addition, optional wellness & activity sensors (no cameras) can alert a family member if anything is wrong in your parent’s home. There is no greater gift than a sense of peace and unity in the world around us. GrandCare is the gift that keeps on giving, allowing you “peace of mind” & your parents their deserved independence. To learn more about GrandCare, please go to http://GrandCare.com. You can also call Jill toll-free at 800-266-8765 x112 or by email at gcsales@homecontrols.com.

GE acquires Living Independently Group

This is a big deal. The fact that GE has shown interest is great for the aging & technology market. What QuietCare did for this industry was enormous – perhaps bleeding-edge, the front runners in this industry. They certainly helped to pave the way for all of us.
We are hopeful that with GE’s power, we can finally gain a little more traction and perhaps some more money and resources can be allocated towards the education of this industry.
I wish nothing but the best for QC and GE and truly hope that we can work together! After all, the aging tsunami will float all boats!

12-3-09 Aging Tech Industry Webinar – Working with the Working Boomer, AgeWise Living Speaks

12-3-09 SPEAKER: Barbara Friesner, Generational Coach, AgeWiseLiving speaks on working With The Working Boomer. Learn what Baby Boomers want – and need – to juggle eldercare, working from home, and their siblings.
12-3-09 Highlighted Caller: Chad Tierney, ContinuaCare http://continuacare.com/

Join us – ALL ARE WELCOME!!!

We meet here: www.dimdim.com
Join meeting room: grandcare
Optional Dial-in

Thanks for being a part of this growing movement! It’s an exciting time to be in the aging and technology industry and we look forward to your input and expertise! Please join our LinkedIn Group: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=2043956

Laura Mitchell
GrandCare Systems