Tag Archive for: Laura Mitchell

GrandCare in Custom Retailer Magazine

One Voice
Maureen Jenson J
Riding the Silver Tsunami

May 2010

Everywhere you look, the greying baby boomer generation is in the news. Many years ago, I covered a feature on the home of the future—this was a home that would have digital sensors to monitor your movements and alert family members if something was amiss. It was single level or had wheelchair or scooter access. It was remote-controllable, so at the push of a button, you could call security, control your temperature, lighting, audio/video and drapes; in short, 15 years ago, the home of the future would give you peace of mind as you aged, eliminating the necessity of a retirement or assisted living home.

Well it’s finally here; and it’s aligning into place so that the custom integrator can own this market. But you had better hurry. Said GrandCare’s Laura Mitchell, director of business relations, “Some estimates project that by the year 2020, the health-monitoring market will reach $20 billion. A lot of boomers aren’t going to settle for what they had to offer their parents. They want to age at home, and are very particular about their needs.” If that last part sounds like about 90 percent of your customer base, then it’s time to consider getting into this very special customer service area right now, ahead of the curve.

We at CustomRetailer know, that “The Curve” has sped up. Today’s successful company has to do its due diligence quickly and move ahead at a much more rapid rate than their predecessors. Read about how best to succeed in this burgeoning market on page 26….

GrandCare: Catching the ‘Aging Tsunami’ Wave
GrandCare Systems wants to help custom integrators become aging-in-place expert advisors—just as they are lighting, home automation and home entertainment expert advisors. The company, together with distribution partner Home Controls, is aiming at the CI channel as a natural fit for its suite of health-monitoring offerings.
“There’s an ‘aging tsunami’ coming,” explains GrandCare’s Laura Mitchell, director of business relations. Some estimates project that by the year 2020, the health-monitoring market will reach $20 billion.
“A lot of boomers aren’t going to settle for what they had to offer their parents,” Mitchell says. “They want to age at home, and are very particular about their needs.” If that last part sounds like about 90 percent of your customer base, then it’s time to
consider getting into this very special customer service area right now, ahead of the curve. Mitchell says the skill sets aren’t
very different from what CIs already offer. “Our product is ‘smart’ and uses a lot of
home automation and smart sensor technology, things that CIs are used to
dealing with. It also requires a personal
touch—it’s not a set-and-forget system.
It’s easy to navigate for the caregiver once it’s set up, but it’s a little daunting for them when they have to think about how they’re going to use it. Our dealers are the ones who sit down with the families and customize the package for them. They can find out needs, set up a care plan for the
person, and from there, determine what sensor suite is right for them.” The company currently offers its interactive Trillium all-in-one solution and a set-top box version, but
the range of available sensors that can be monitored runs the gamut. “There are motion and temperature sensors, door, bed, chair, caller ID, power and telewellness items like blood pressure, weight…
And then there’s the communication component, where the communication station can be viewed on any TV or on the touchscreen, enabling the caregiver or the patient to play games on it or call up videos on demand that have been added. It’s highly customizable, and it will be different for each individual,” says Mitchell. GrandCare supports its products with full training and has a dealer Web site with downloads and chat forums. Mitchell herself founded and hosts weekly AgeTech aging and technology Webinars that are open to all, and is a vice
chair on the AgeTek Alliance board (www.agetek.org), a consortium of aging in technology industry members. She will also coordinate educational tracks at this year’s CEDIA EXPO Home Technology Pavilion, which GrandCare Systems is sponsoring.
Education is paramount, says Mitchell, since the dealer/integrator is the linchpin in guiding clients to the right combination of gear. “The client needs help,” she says. “You need to be able to question them not about what they think they need, but on
what they expect the outcome to be, in order to fully serve their needs.”

Thurs Oct 7, 2p ET, Holistic Approach to Aging in Place, Founder of GrandCare speaks

WHEN: Thursday Oct 7, 2pm EDT (1p CT).
WHERE: http://my.dimdim.com/grandcare
WHAT: A Holistic Approach To Aging in Place
WHO: Charlie Hillman, founder of GrandCare speaks
WHY: We need to work together to build this new aging & technology category! Remember, the Aging Tsunami will float ALL boats!Calls created & hosted by GrandCare Systems (since 2008). Sponsored by various industry participants

Topic Description: Charlie Hillman from GrandCare Systems, discusses the holistic approach to aging in place, and why this is not your ordinary sale.

About Charlie Hillman:
Charlie Hillman has spent most of his career as an entrepreneur involved with disruptive technologies. His latest, GrandCare Systems, is designed to allow the aged to live longer at home with greater security and less social isolation. Using a combination of Smart Home technologies, ADL monitoring, Internet communications, and Tele-Wellness features, the system is intended to support an entire network of caregivers.
Mr. Hillman is a professional engineer with a BS from MIT and a Masters in Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He is a commissioner of CAST (Center for Aging Technologies) and a frequent speaker at national and international conferences.

Thursday 9-30-10 GrandCare Call: Aging in Place2.0 by Louis Tenenbaum

Thursdays at 2pm Eastern Time (1p Central).
WHERE: http://my.dimdim.com/grandcare
WHY: We need to work together to build this new aging & technology category!  Remember, the Aging Tsunami will float ALL boats!


Calls created & hosted by GrandCare Systems (since 2008).  Sponsored by various industry participants

9-30-10 2pm Eastern Time
Topic Title: Aging in Place 2.0 by Louis Tenenbaum

This session will review the key points of Aging in Place 2.0 and introduce a roadmap to reaching the infrastructure and business model spelled out in the report. Louis will describe his plans for the Aging in Place 2.0 Institute to create the market for business success serving older folks in their homes that is so tantalizing yet too often seems out of reach. Familiarity with the report before the call will be helpful, though not necessary.

About Louis Tenenbaum:
A former carpenter and contractor, Louis Tenenbaum is now a leading thinker, speaker and consultant on Aging in Place–the idea that our homes are the most desirable and economical place for housing and care. Based in Washington, DC’s Maryland suburbs, Louis helps businesses, nonprofits and individuals formulate and refine design, strategies, marketing and programming for Aging in Place homes, products and age friendly communities. Recently, he authored Aging in Place 2.0 – Rethinking Solutions to the Home Care Challenge, published by the MetLife Mature Marketing Institute.

GrandCare Featured in Smart Money Magazine!

GrandCare Featured in Smart Money Magazine!!!
Gadgets for Grandma
HomeBase home monitoring system
GrandCare Systems; 262-338-6147
GrandCare products combine telehealth and social-connection technology: their sensors transmit information such as blood pressure readings, while their touchscreen monitors give clients easy access to e-mail, news and calendar reminders. HomeBase, the company’s latest system, can monitor and provide regular updates on everything from bathroom scale readings to whether doors are opening or closing throughout a loved one’s home. Cost: $2,000 to $8,000, depending on what kind of sensors you install… That’s expensive, but not as expensive as assisted-living or nursing-home care.

Read more: HomeBase Monitoring System: Gadgets for Grandma – Personal Finance – Retirement – SmartMoney.com http://www.smartmoney.com/Personal-Finance/Retirement/gadgets-for-grandma/?page=7#ixzz0zoQbtGGJ

CORRECTION: Pricing of the GrandCare System can range between $2500-$8000 with a monthly software maintenance & Call-out amount – – This can average out to between $15-$25/day (compared to $200 – $600 per day for skilled care). We have dealers throughout the country, Canada & Australia. There are payment plans options available as well as rental & leasing options. Please contact info@grandcare.com for more info – watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD0qdEZd1PM Thanks to Peter from Smart Money Magazine for covering this important topic of aging & technology and including GrandCare Systems.

9-15 GrandCare Aging/Tech Topic: State-Level Aging Services Technology Provider and Policy Initiatives

Every Thursday at 2p ET (1p CT), GrandCare Systems hosts an aging & technology industry call.

Thursday, 9-9-10, 2p Eastern Time
Topic: State-Level Aging Services Technology Provider and Policy Initiatives

Scott Peifer, MPPA, MSW, Associate Director Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST) speaks

The State of Technology in Aging Services in Ohiohttp://www.aahsa.org/WorkArea/linkit.aspx?LinkIdentifier=id&ItemID=11941&libID=11955
CAST, AAHSA in partnership with Association of Ohio Philanthropic Homes, Housing and Services for the Aging (AOPHA) released its fourth of a series of state-level reports on technology in aging services – September 2010

Join us: http://my.dimdim.com/grandcare
Optional Dial In listed on the webinar

Scott Peifer serves as Associate Director of the Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST), a program of the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (AAHSA). In this capacity, Scott leads CAST’s state-level policy efforts to educate and advocate for the advancement of aging services technologies to improve the aging experience. Scott previously served as Policy Director of Aging for Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, leading the policy and legislative activities of the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, and served as a Legislative Director in the Pennsylvania State Senate. Scott began his policy experience in California, first working for the California Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (now Aging Services of California), and as lead staff of the California State Senate Subcommittee on Aging and Long-term Care. Scott has earned a Master of Public Policy and Administration and a Master of Social Work from California State University, Sacramento.

Sponsored by Worthington Distribution

Baby boomers use technology to keep an eye on Mom and Dad

An Article featuring GrandCare from the Toronto Star
September 10, 2010
Susan Pigg

Olive Howe had barely unpacked from her July vacation when her daughter called with a pressing personal question.

“Are you okay Mom? Because you’ve gained five pounds in the last two days?”

It has been hard for the 81-year-old South Carolina great grandmother to get away with much the last two years, since her daughter started monitoring her every move, blood-pressure blip and weight fluctuation via computer from her home five kilometres away.

“I just laughed. It doesn’t bother me. It’s a comfort knowing that if anything happens to me, or I have a fall, someone will know,” says Howe. “I do not want to go to a nursing home.”

Howe has heart problems. She needs to take her medication and watch what she eats. When she doesn’t, her daughter Sandra Pierce knows almost immediately via email or phone alerts, thanks to the remote monitoring technology GrandCare Systems.

It’s coming to Ontario soon, and just one of a fast-growing number of technologies turning the tables on the traditional parent-child relationship. Suddenly, aging parents who spent decades trying to keep on top of their kids are finding they’re the ones being watched — from across town or across the country.

Over the coming months a raft of new-and-improved remote monitoring devices will hit the market, from GPS shoes that can track the whereabouts of wandering seniors to MedCottages, portable RV-like units equipped with motion and monitoring systems that allow seniors to maintain some independence from the backyard of their adult childrens’ homes.

“As we age, this is going to be a growing trend,” says Laurie Orlov, a Florida-based expert on so-called “aging-in-place technology” aimed at keeping seniors in their houses and out of nursing homes as long as possible.

“We have to get past the fear and antagonism among the older people who need it the most. I don’t think they’re that technology-ready, but the boomers, who are their adult children, certainly are.”

Motion sensors strategically placed in the three-bedroom home where Howe has lived for 53 years feed information right to her daughter’s laptop, detailing when she got out of bed (the Friday we chatted it was 9 a.m.), walked into the bathroom (9:15 a.m.) or hovered at the kitchen table where she keeps her pills (9:30 a.m.)

Even her blood-pressure reading (165/76) is fed to her daughter’s computer, along with her daily weigh-in tally, providing a detailed graph which she often takes to her doctor appointments.

The only thing GrandCare can’t tell Pierce, because her system doesn’t include cameras, is if her mother actually swallowed her pills.

“She can’t have a bit of fun,” jokes Pierce, 59, whose mother explained her sudden weight gain by confessing to indulging in too many roasted nuts and slices of red velvet cake on vacation.

“I have the capability of going online and watching every move she makes, but I don’t typically do that. My mother is very independent and always says she doesn’t want to be a burden on anyone,” says Pierce.

Monitoring and in-home help technologies will be a $20 billion U.S. business in North America by 2020, predicts Orlov, founder of Aging In Place Technology Watch.

Already some baby boomers are able to remotely lock their parents’ doors, track calls coming into their homes and even see who is ringing the doorbell, in many cases right from their smart phones.

Systems such as QuietCare, WellAWARE, FineThanx and SimplyHome are already fixtures in some U.S. homes and seniors’ communities, although Orlov estimates fewer than 10,000 units are in active use because the systems can be so costly.

Next month, Paul Whyte, a Markham dealer of smart-home technology that allows ordinary electronics and appliances to communicate with each other, will unveil the GrandCare system at the Zoomer show in Toronto.

“I call it the invisible caregiver,” says Whyte of Cybernetics Systems Inc. “The minute I saw this system I thought, ‘There’s something that actually makes sense.’

Howe loves the system for another reason. She doesn’t use a computer, but GrandCare enables her relatives to fire off messages and photographs which come up on its large monitor (some versions of the system also plug into the TV.)

The system not only lights the way to the bathroom when Howe gets up in the middle of night, it alerts her daughter if, as happened recently, there was unusual activity in the house: A visiting relative was pacing late at night.

But all these systems remain so cutting edge, they’re intimidatingly costly and complicated, says Orlov.

“We’re not talking about something you just pick off the shelf, run home and plug in.”

GrandCare Systems, for instance, can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $9,000, depending on the level of service, plus there’s a monthly monitoring fee of $50.

Whyte plans to rent out the units for roughly $125 to $350 per month.

Virginia Wesleyan minister Kenneth Dupin has gone one step further with MEDCottages, portable units — some have dubbed them “Granny pods” or “hospital room in your backyard” — that allow seniors to be plunked for as long as needed in their adult children’s backyard.

Dupin refers to the controversial innovation as “family managed care” that he believes could become a key alternative to the overwhelmed and costly nursing home system. (In Ontario alone, for instance, there are 76,000 nursing home beds but 24,000 people on the waiting list.)

The State of Virginia has passed a law allowing installation of MEDCottages in residential backyards, over the objections of local homeowners who have already expressed fears they don’t belong in neighbourhoods.

The key, of course, with all these technologies is that the senior be relatively able-bodied and sound of mind — most are of limited value if the senior is suffering from dementia, which is expected to become a major public health issue in the next few decades.

But developers are also working hard on that challenging front.

Sometime later this fall or next spring the first GPS-equipped shoe, the Aetrex Ambulator, will go on sale through www.gpsshoe.com or www.foot.com.

Originally designed for children by Los Angeles-based GTX Corp., the new shoes are expected to retail for about $250 U.S. They enable caregivers to track those afflicted with dementia or Alzheimer’s thanks to GPS and cellular technology that will relay their whereabouts back to a monitoring centre.

“Privacy may be a talking point, but it’s not really an issue,” says Patrick Bertagna, chairman and CEO of GTX Corp.

MEDCottage creator Dupin expects concerns around privacy will fade quickly as families and health-care systems here and in the U.S. become overwhelmed by aging baby boomers — more than 76 million in the U.S., 10 million in Canada — who start hitting 65 next year.

“I see remote monitoring becoming an integral part of health care as we all age,” says Dupin. “One of the issues around aging in place is going to be making trade-offs. Privacy may be something we have to give up.”

Susan Pigg focuses on issues about aging and baby boomers.spigg@thestar.ca

Building a Continuum of Care

Today’s GrandCare Aging & Technology Industry Call – sponsored by Dakim!

Special thanks to Art Carr from Progressive Retirement for offering an insightful look at the current Continuum of Care and how this is changing as we add enabling services (including technologies) into the mix. This changes our entire concept of a Continuum of Care. If you could not make today’s presentation, please simply email info(at)grandcare.com to receive a copy of the recording!

GrandCare Systems offers industry-wide aging & technology conference call/webinars. GrandCare has been selling into private homes & facilities since 2006 and has opportunities for new dealers & providers. For more info, contact GrandCare directly. These weekly calls are open to anyone and everyone in the aging & technology industry each week and designed for us to learn from each other, network, and together help the industry grow as a whole! Like we always say: The Aging Tsunami will float all boats! Let’s all work together to build up this brand new aging/technology category!

Thanks for joining us today (Over 65 joined us on the web and/or dial in number)

9-9 GC CALL TOPIC: Building a New Aging Continuum

Every Thursday at 2p ET (1p CT), GrandCare Systems hosts an aging & technology industry call.

Thursday, 9-9-10

TOPIC: The senior services market is evolving and the companies that
provide those services, including the emerging technology companies must
adapt to those changes to successfully meet the demands of the ensuing generations of potential customers. This presentation challenges some of today’s commonly accepted concepts and offers collaborative solutions for the future.

Join us: http://my.dimdim.com/grandcare
Optional Dial In listed on the webinar

Art Carr is acknowledged as a progressive thought leader for the senior living / care industry with a successful track record in implementing innovative concepts to improve operations and marketability across the senior services spectrum. He has provided exceptional corporate-level leadership for more than 20 years with all types and sizes of organizations – from fledgling enterprises to complex operations worth more than one billion dollars. Art has been recognized for his resourceful leadership and acclaimed as “affable, talented, with a razor-sharp intellect” and “one of the most articulate people …in the senior services sector.”

This call is sponsored by Dakim, the leader in the Brain Fitness for Seniors and Boomers movement. Dakim has created a unique brain fitness approach, suitable for active Seniors with normal brain function who want to maintain their brain health, as well as those who may have mild-to-moderate cognitive issues.

Question/Answers from today’s Home Health Tech Webinar: NAHB/CEDIA

Thanks to NAHB & CEDIA for allowing me to speak on the webinar: Home Health Technology: A $20 Billion Industry”. We had 150 signed up, an amazing amount of interest! Thanks to all who attended!

Below are some questions I received after the webinar – I wanted to share with everyone!

1. Are there any systems on the market that identify through some sort of floor sweep that someone has fallen. Sometimes clients are not able to push the button. There are some “smart floor” applications that are out there. These can be costly solutions. Sometimes motion detection can pick up things like this. For example, excessive motion on the foot of the stairs, got up during the night & didn’t return to bed within a given parameter. There are all sorts of ways that we might know if something is “amiss”

2. I own MJW Home Modifications for Boomers & Beyond which modifies homes to allow clients to remain in their homes independently and safely and I want to add assistive technology to my offers. Who do I contact for more info at GrandCare Systems? Contact info@grandcare.com or call 262-338-6147 and we can absolutely have someone get in touch with you about becoming a reseller or pair you together with an existing dealer/integrator!
3. How do you become a dealer?/em> Contact info@grandcare.com or call 262-338-6147. Dealer process is different for some of the other technologies. To become a GrandCare dealer, dealers must attend training, sign the dealer documents & purchase their 1st demonstration system. GCHQ will be hosting a dealer training at CEDIA on Tues Sept 21, 2010 from 930a – 5p. Contact us for more info!

4. Do you have any advice about how to discuss the term monitoring and big brother watching? Remote monitoring & smart systems in general have wireless motion/temp/door sensors that can assess the overall activity in the home. It is as intrusive as a security system. It simply alerts a family member or caregiver if something is amiss. Senior/Loved One compliance is very important and we recommend that they absolutely understand that this is an enabling technology that can help them to remain independent, while giving their children “peace of mind” knowing they are safe, happy & healthy at home. GrandCare has a LARGE socialization/cognition/communication component that really helps us to overcome this. With GrandCare, grandma gets to video chat & receive incoming communications…if the family is involved, this featured OVERRIDES all else…

5. Sounds like most of the info is in the east or mid states, is there info in the west? I am not sure I understand what kind of information you are referring to. We have dealers throughout the entire United States, Canada and Australia. All sorts of organizations are doing this kind of technology – really everywhere. The technology that I showed in the presentation ranged from Europe to the East coast, midwest with products also on the west coast being shown.

6. Have you seen any web sites or web services that are bringing this all together? AgeTek Alliance (www.agetek.org), CAST – center for aging services technology, we try to help our GrandCare dealers by providing educational opportunities on how to partner with other organizations & provide a suite of products. We have weekly aging/tech conference call webinars open to everyone in the industry, we also host a monthly webinar for our GC dealers on marketing/sales, tech questions, etc – and have a dealer chat room and forum for dealers to communicate, cooperate, share information, ask questions, and access our documents/ppts/pics, etc

7. What are the franchise opportunities for the products? Many offer dealer programs. Those you will see at CEDIA have dealer opportunities available. Some have sales reps. Contact the specific company to find out details

8. What is the best way to jump start an AIP business and come up with prospects to talk to about systems for their loved ones? Make sure whichever program you join, they offer adequate training and materials. I know that some of our distributors offer a full range of “getting started” materials such as website options, sales/marketing & getting started training.

9. How can we demo your products?
What’s the best way for HH care companies and ESC’s to work together… so both can profit? What have you found to work the best?
Contact the companies you are interested in and see if you can see a demonstration. Many have recorded demonstrations you can watch – or attend CEDIA to see them LIVE in action, touch them, try them, ask questions. If you come on to our weekly aging technology industry call – you can ask questions on the public chat, network and learn more about the industry. Much of this is also covered in your training program.

10. When providing a system, what should we say is a basic or approximate cost? This really ranges on what you are selling. If you are selling a Personal Emergency Response System, that’s going to be a much lowered cost, vs a fully featured Smart Home/Communication/Tele-wellness System. Some systems have a high upfront cost and lowered monthly cost, some go for a lower upfront cost and higher monthly, some are offered with rental/leasing programs.

11. When you provide this presentation get a copy of the list of manufacturers and products–pictures were displayed but no mention of the products. Many of the products that are shown on the ppt were mentioned, but I did mention a few too that did not have a picture shown. If there’s anything specific you are looking for, just contact me: laura@grandcare.com and I am happy to get you the information!

GrandCare Systems – High Tech Caregiving


GrandCare Builds Emotional Elements Into High-Tech Caregiving
This was the easy part: Creating a system that monitors, communicates, updates, assists and notifies a homecare client’s status — wirelessly — and is operated by people without significant technological experience. The system can do everything from report blood pressure and indoor temperature to sending photographs and medication reminders to coordinating schedules with family members and printing out graphs for doctor visits.

The hard part is marketing it.

Laura Mitchell, the director of business relations of GrandCare Systems in West Bend, WI, tells Selling to Seniors that “as with any technology or any service, you really are marketing to two different demographics: you’ve got the boomers who are most likely making the [purchasing] decision and you’ve got the senior who might be paying for it. Really you have a ‘triple sale’ going on: selling to one demographic then the other and then get them together on how this is going to work.”

GrandCare uses a combination of remote environmental sensing, passive physiological sensing, artificial intelligence and networking technologies to provide caregivers the ability to remotely and passively monitor a client or loved one without compromising dignity or privacy. It’s an impressive use of modern technology, and its touch panel controls are designed to be used by those with little experience using a computer, or even by those with memory issues.

Caregivers log into the system via Internet from anywhere in the world and can see, for example, if the client has lost weight in the last few days or if they’ve been to bed lately. They can also send images and messages to the client via the television. The variations of monitoring are nearly endless.

A Coming ‘Tsunami’ in Home Care Technology

It sounds like the ultimate “smart house.”

“But we’ve taken it one step further and really focused on the mental and spiritual and familial activity in their well being,” says Mitchell. “Not only should they keep their minds active but we also think it’s important to stay in touch with family members wherever they are. Email, Facebook, Skype — we enable the seniors to use all this technology without having to know anything about it.”

The system is entirely customizable and can be scaled up or down, and prices range accordingly. Local dealers perform care assessment and installation, and Mitchell says costs are about $15 to $25 a day. The average cost of skilled nursing, she points out, is $200 a day, and 24-hour in-home care can get up to $600 a day.

Since the product’s launch at the end of 2006, GrandCare has promoted the system using “a lot of guerilla marketing,” Mitchell says. “A lot of social networking, a lot of trade shows and press releases, presentations at places we think adult children may be at. We don’t do a whole of paid advertising.”

Meanwhile, Mitchell networks with others in the field and is a founding board member of the Aging Technology Alliance, a consortium of home tech companies. For the last two years she has hosted a weekly aging and technology webinar featuring others from the industry.

“The idea is the aging tsunami will float all the boats, so let’s work together,” she says.

Info: Professional caregivers and private homes can contact GrandCare at https://www.grandcare.com/page/contact_us. Laura Mitchell addresses the NAHB’s Home Technology Alliance and CEDIA in a free Webinar on Wednesday, Sept. 1 at 3 p.m. EDT; see www1.gotomeeting.com/register/940457584 for registration information. The Aging Technology Alliance can be found at http://web.me.com/pradsliff/Aging_Technology_Alliance/Home.html. A list of upcoming Webinars hosted by Mitchell is at http://grandcare.wordpress.com/2009/10/21/upcoming-aging-tech-webinar-topics-mark-your-calendar.


Selling to Seniors is an independent news service. For more information on our senior service products, go to www.CDPublications.com or call 301-588-6380 or email subscriptions@cdpublications.com. Subscription rates begin at $297per year. Sharp discounts are available for multi-year and multi-user subscriptions. Unauthorized reproduction and/or providing access to unauthorized users are violations of federal copyright law.